Wednesday, June 19, 2013

[how to] How far into the Relational Model does one need to go?

[how to] How far into the Relational Model does one need to go?

How far into the Relational Model does one need to go?

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 08:48 PM PDT

For instance we have the basics in database theory for the traditional RDBMS. How much into detail does one need to go when Designing/Maintaining/Developing a traditional RDBMS.

Pretend for instance you are a beginner to this, do we only need the basic Set Theory and Relational Algebra or should one go much further when learning about the world of databases?

I feel alot of the things learned don't really get put into practice, how often do we actually see this with DBA's in the world today?

compare all tables and find number of common columns between all tables

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 08:40 PM PDT

is there any way to compare every table with each other in a database list the number of COMMON columns between each tables!! ?? prefer using join over subquery and information_schema.column, if possible thx. example: lets say there are 4 tables in a database table1, table2, table3 and table4.

list1        list2        commonColumns    -----       --------     --------------------  table1     table2         1  table1     table3         2  table1     table4         0  table2     table1         1  table2     table3         5  table2     table4         2  table3     table1         3   table3     table2         0  table3     table4         1  table4     table1         2  table4     table2         3  table4     table3         0  

SQL Server compatibility mode

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 07:57 PM PDT

Could somebody provide me with a better insight about the compatibility mode feature? It is behaving different then I expected.

As far as I understand compatibility modes, it is about the availability and support of certain language structures between the various versions of SQL Server. It does not affect the inner workings of the database engine version. It would try to prevent use of features and constructs that were not yet available in earlier versions.

I just created a new database with compat level 80 on a 2008r2 server. Created a table with a single int column and populated it with a few rows.

Then executed a select statement with a row_number function. My thought was, since the row_number function was only introduced in 2005, this would throw an error in compat 80 mode.

But to my surprise this worked fine. Then, surely, the compat rules are only evaluated once you 'save something'. So I created a stored proc for my row_number statement. The stored proc creation went fine and I can perfectly execute it and obtain results.

Could someone help me to better understand the working of compatibility mode? My understanding is obviously flawed.

RMAN backup Issue ( ORA-27052: unable to flush file data )

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 08:20 PM PDT

This error comes while RMAN backup running backup pieces location is on NFS share mount point /b02 this error comes on regular basis mount point have enough space sometimes backup completed without any issue and most of time with this issue.I have searched on MOS and didn't find effective solutions for same.Please share your thoughts.........

released channel: c1

released channel: c2

released channel: c3

RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on c1 channel at 06/19/2013 01:40:45

ORA-27052: unable to flush file data

Linux-x86_64 Error: 5: Input/output error

Additional information: 1

RMAN> end-of-file


[oramsta@testordb1 logs]$ cat backuplog_err.txt incremental level 0 ORA-19510: failed to set size of 385577 blocks for file "/b02/backup/MSTA/df_MSTA81818469889_2hochn01_1_1_DALY20130618" (block size=8192) ORA-27045: unable to close the file ORA-19510: failed to set size of 353041 blocks for file "/b02/backup/MSTA/df_MSTA82818469934_2iochn1e_1_1_DALY20130618" (block size=8192) ORA-27045: unable to close the file ORA-27052: unable to flush file data [oramsta@testordb1 logs]$

SQL Server AD groups membership seems cached - how to flush to test?

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 06:54 PM PDT

I am configuring a new, fully AD group based security scheme on an existing SQL Server 2008.

When I change the group to which I belong to test my configs, it seems that there is quite a delay between the change and it appearing in SQL Server.

To try and improve this I do:

repadmin /syncall /Ade (to force full domain syncing) DBCC FREESYSTEMCACHE('TokenAndPermUserStore')

I've also tried disconnecting and reconnecting the user in SSMS.

Any idea how I can get the AD Droup permissions to apply faster ? Testing once every ten minutes is painfull !

Thank you !


Will certain Database Compatibility cause performance degradation?

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 07:11 PM PDT

I'm running a variety of MSSQL Servers from 2005 to 2012 across several servers. I have many of these databases running in MSSQL 2000 compatibility.

Will using an older compatibility in a newer version of mssql cause any performance issues?

What is the different between these databases, other than older versions of SQL being able to access them?

SQL server agent SSIS error

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 05:56 PM PDT

I get the following error when I execute my package as a SQL server agent job.

It is an SSIS 2008 package running on a SQL Server 2008 instance. My package security is DontSaveSensitive.

I don't even know how to begin fixing this error.

Where should I check first?

Date        a value of time  Log     Job History (MyJob)    Step ID     1  Server      PCTSQL004  Job Name        MyJob  Step Name       Job_1  Duration        00:00:00  Sql Severity        0  Sql Message ID      0  Operator Emailed          Operator Net sent         Operator Paged        Retries Attempted       0    Message  Executed as user: CS\DmcSysManager. The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0x63BB5A86DB23F947866D2A806BE4CC6B (reason: A required privilege is not held by the client).  The step failed.  

How do I interpret the log when I run DBCC TRACEON (3502, 3504, 3605, -1)

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 05:55 PM PDT

I have been using DBCC Traceon (3502, 3504, 3605, -1) because it was recommended in a blog for discovering performance issues related to I/O. I'm running MS SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1

Results in my SQL Log file look something like this (numbers fudged a little):

about to log checkpoint end

last target outstanding 2, avgWriteLatency 40ms

Average Throughput: 0.67 MB/sec, I/O Saturation: 79, Context Switches 201

FlushCache: cleaned up 125 Bufs with 69 writes, in 1447ms (avoided 0 new dirty bufs)

Ckpt dbid 9 phase 1 ended (8)

about to log checkpoint begin.

I don't really know how to read this, or break it down in a way that I get get anything truly meaningful out of it.

What does 'last target outstanding mean?"

Does the average write latency mean the overhead time it takes per write? or the time between writes? 40ms seems high, the physical drive is a 1TB, and it's RAID5 configured.

What is I/O saturation?

What does it have to do with the Context Switches. I'm assuming Context switches have something to do with multi-tasking. Changing between jobs/writes.

FlushCache. I realize this has to do with clearing out the cache. What are the Bufs? Are these pages of data that needed to be written? What are the dirty Bufs? Why would they be avoided?

A detailed breakdown would be appreciated.

MySQL using too much CPU

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 07:21 PM PDT

I'm studying to be a DBA right now because I have a massive live database that is very sensitive that I manage. Here's the current system stats of my dedicated database server:

  • CentOS 5.9
  • 24gb Ram
  • 8 Core CPU
  • 50gb FusionIO disk for /var/lib/mysql
  • MySQL 5.5.23

    top - 18:40:27 up 14 days, 4:43, 1 user, load average: 19.72, 22.62, 24.04

    Tasks: 183 total, 3 running, 180 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie

    Cpu(s): 69.9%us, 0.4%sy, 0.0%ni, 29.2%id, 0.0%wa, 0.1%hi, 0.4%si, 0.0%st

    Mem: 24685224k total, 20172096k used, 4513128k free, 343420k buffers

    Swap: 2007284k total, 0k used, 2007284k free, 729004k cached


    5446 mysql 15 0 18.4g 17g 6176 R 765.8 76.2 114437:38 mysqld

I'm currently using 43gb of that 50gb FusionIO slice. MySQL averages around 700 QPS and 75-90% CPU usage. Here's my my.cnf file:

[mysqld]  user=mysql  datadir=/var/lib/mysql  socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock    #innodb  #innodb_log_file_size = 256M  #innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M  innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2  innodb_lock_wait_timeout=50  innodb_file_per_table  innodb_buffer_pool_size=16G  innodb_buffer_pool_instances=4  #eliminating double buffering  innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT  flush_time=86400    skip-name-resolve  query_cache_limit=4M  query_cache_size=256M  sort_buffer_size=8M  read_rnd_buffer_size=1M  max_connections=5000  interactive_timeout=60  wait_timeout=300  connect_timeout=30  thread_cache_size=32  key_buffer=124M  tmp_table_size=4096M  max_heap_table_size=256M  join_buffer=16M  max_connect_errors=2000  table_cache=2048  thread_concurrency=12  long_query_time=5  log-slow-queries=/var/log/mysql-slow.log  #table_definition_cache=384  max_allowed_packet=1024M  #server-id=20  #log-bin=mysql-bin  #expire_logs_days=10    event_scheduler=ON      [mysqld_safe]  log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log  pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/  

can you guys recommend any config changes I should make to MySQL or CentOS that can greatly reduce my CPU usage? Or for that matter any other resource improvements?

query to get list of tables that has same columns from information_schema.columns?

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 03:37 PM PDT

idea is to list all the tables that has redundant columns across database using information_schema.columns! let's say

table1 = dbo.ABC columns = id, name, department, designation

table2= dbo.DEF columns= department, permissions, cube

table3= dbo.GHI columns= street, zip, city, state

the query should list the tables 'dbo.ABC' and 'dbo.DEF'

SIMPLE or FULL recovery model for databases?

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 04:17 PM PDT

When should I use the full recovery model and when should I use the simple recovery model for databases?

I always used the full recovery model because it is the default, but today i encountered this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14) The transaction log for database 'DATABASE NAME' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases

The specific database is actually one of the smallest and most inactive databases on my server, so I have no idea how the log can be full on this database, and not the others.

To shrink the log and making the database accessable again, I changed the recovery model from FULL to SIMPLE and shrinked the logical file log, with the following command

alter database DATABASE NAME recovery simple  go  dbcc shrinkfile('LOG FILE LOGICAL NAME', 100)  go  

It helped, but now I need to understand WHY it helped, HOW this situation started and HOW to prevent this in the future?


Every night at 1 o'clock, we are doing a scripted backup of every database on the server. This is being done by a 31 line script where the most important part is

set @Filename = 'D:\backup\' + convert(varchar, getDate(), 112) + ' - ' + @DBName + '.bak'  set @Description = 'Full backup of database ' + @Filename  BACKUP DATABASE @DBName TO DISK = @Filename WITH INIT , NOUNLOAD , NAME = @Description, NOSKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT  

Is the new recovery model and databaseshrink going to be a conflict with this script?

We are not doing any other kind of backup of the databases, and therefore not the transaction logs, should we?

Using Change Data Capture with a frequently changing schema

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 01:23 PM PDT

We are following an agile development process, which in this case means that we frequently make changes to the database schema, e.g. adding new columns, moving data to other columns, etc.

Is there a mechanism to update the CDC table to the new schema, and are there any best practices to how you deal with captured data when migrating the database schema?

Rearranging the output of mysql query

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 12:54 PM PDT

When i run the following Query:

SELECT, th.ticket_id ,,, th.create_time     FROM ticket_history th    JOIN ticket ON  th.ticket_id =    WHERE ( LIKE  '%\%Raw\%% %\%new\%%'          AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ticket_history th1 WHERE th1.ticket_id = AND LIKE '%\%Close')         )      OR ( LIKE  '%\%Close'          AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ticket_history th2 WHERE th2.ticket_id = AND LIKE '%\%Raw\%% %\%new\%%')         )   ORDER BY th.ticket_id , ASC;  

I Get the following output:

+----+-----------+-----+-------------------------------------------+---------------------+  | id | ticket_id | id  |                   name                    |     create_time     |  +----+-----------+-----+-------------------------------------------+---------------------+  |  3 |         3 |   5 | %%2013060810000021%%Raw%%3 normal%%new%%3 | 2013-06-08 21:59:03 |  |  3 |         3 |  82 | %%Close                                   | 2013-06-10 11:50:49 |  |  5 |         5 |  64 | %%2013060910000019%%Raw%%3 normal%%new%%5 | 2013-06-09 17:12:09 |  |  5 |         5 |  85 | %%Close                                   | 2013-06-10 11:51:10 |  |  8 |         8 |  98 | %%2013061110000014%%Raw%%3 normal%%new%%8 | 2013-06-11 19:05:06 |  |  8 |         8 | 109 | %%Close                                   | 2013-06-17 23:57:35 |  +----+-----------+-----+-------------------------------------------+---------------------+  

In the above output the entry which contains "Raw" and "new" keyword show me when that particular ticket was open and the entry which contains "Close" keyword shows me when that particular ticket was closed.

What changes i need to make in order to get the output as below:

+----+-----------+----+----------------------+---------------------+  | id | ticket_id | id |      Open time       |     Close_time      |  +----+-----------+----+----------------------+---------------------+  |  3 |         3 |  5 | 2013-06-08 21:59:03  | 2013-06-10 11:50:49 |  |  5 |         5 | 64 | 2013-06-09 17:12:09  | 2013-06-10 11:51:10 |  |  8 |         8 | 98 | 2013-06-11 19:05:06  | 2013-06-17 23:57:35 |  +----+-----------+----+----------------------+---------------------+  

PostgreSQL 9.1.4 will not install service scripts

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 12:57 PM PDT

Same setup as before, but with a different install command.

PostgreSQL refuses to install its service scripts into /etc/init.d/; in fact, I can't find them anywhere (find / -regex ".*postgres.*")

command     => '/bin/mount -o remount exec /tmp                ;                  /bin/mkdir -m 0755 -p /opt/PostgreSQL/9.1      ;                  /tmp/setup/                  \                    --mode unattended                            \                    --superaccount postgres                      \                    --superpassword sUP34_se<uR3^P4sSw0rd        \                    --datadir /opt/PostgreSQL/9.1/data           ;                  /usr/sbin/userdel postgres                     ; # for some reason, it does give itself (postgres)                                                                   # permissions to its own files, which causes problems with initdb                  /bin/chmod 755 /opt/PostgreSQL/9.1 -R          ; # so I nuke them all back to o=rwx,ug=rx                  /tmp/setup/                  \                    --mode unattended                            \                    --superaccount postgres                      \                    --superpassword sUP34_se<uR3^P4sSw0rd        \                    --datadir /opt/PostgreSQL/9.1/data           ;                  /bin/mount -o remount /tmp                     ;                  /bin/touch /tmp/mysetup/postgres_installed     ; ',  

Is there any way I can get these files into /etc/init.d? Why won't the installer place them here in the first place?

Unfortunately, it is unlikely that I can use a different version of PostgreSQL - 9.1.4 is the most recent version that has been 'approved'.

Creating schema for a shop that sells items from multiple tables

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 12:59 PM PDT

I am trying to create a table in mySQl that contains a list of all the items that a shops. For example:

shops (shop_ID (PK), shop_name)

shops_and_items (shop_ID (PK), item_ID (PK), price)

The issue I'm facing is that a shop can sell two types of products. For example, furniture and clothing. In my database, I already have separate tables for both furniture items and clothing items. The suggested shops_and_items schema therefore does not work.

I'm wondering, what is the best way to go about it. Should I create two tables shop_and_furniture_items and shop_and_clothing_items ?

What is wrong with table_cache hit rate?

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 04:02 PM PDT

In my.cnf I have:

table_cache            = 524288  open_files_limit        = 65535  

Both are at max allowed value for mysql config. Both are less than max open file limit:

# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max  2097152  

MySQL Variable Status:

mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'open%';  +--------------------------+--------+  | Variable_name            | Value  |  +--------------------------+--------+  | Open_files               | 195    |  | Open_streams             | 0      |  | Open_table_definitions   | 594    |  | Open_tables              | 853    |  | Opened_files             | 257662 |  | Opened_table_definitions | 0      |  | Opened_tables            | 0      |  +--------------------------+--------+  7 rows in set (0.00 sec)  

Server has 32GB RAM. Mostly free!

Still, when I run mysqltuner script:

It says:

[!!] Table cache hit rate: 13% (853 open / 6K opened)

Any reason table_cache hit rate is poor?

Creating and tuning a materialized view in oracle for use by Cognos BI

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 04:17 PM PDT

I am currently in the middle of a Cognos BI implementation and am having difficulty in tuning a view in order for SQL Server to select its contents for fulfilling the incremental load in a timely fashion. The data is currently taking +5 hours to move between Oracle and SQL Server (Cognos 'Staging' layer).

The source code for this scenario can be accessed via the following URL:

I would like to create a materialized view that will use select * from ifsapp.fb_cust_ord_lines as its source, this will need to refresh fast (i.e. quickly) every day at 2:00. I have attempted this and below is the result:

create materialized view ifsapp.fb_bi_cust_ord_lines_mv   tablespace "IFSAPP_DATA" build immediate     using index pctfree 10 initrans 2 maxtrans 255     storage(initial 65536 next 1048576 minextents 1 maxextents 2147483645 pctincrease 0       freelists 1 freelist groups 1 buffer_pool default)   tablespace "IFSAPP_DATA" refresh fast     using default local rollback segment   as    select      *    from ifsapp.fb_customer_order_lines    ;    create index ifsapp.fb_fb_bi_cust_ord_lines_mv_i on ifsapp.fb_bi_cust_ord_lines_mv      (        order_no,        line_no,        rel_no,        line_item_no      )      pctfree 10 initrans 2 maxtrans 255       tablespace IFSAPP_INDEX_16K  ;  

I know that this will not be 100% correct (maybe not even 50%) but I would really appreciate some assistance. Please ask if you require any further information

Insert performance with Geography column

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 02:37 PM PDT

I've been tasked with inserting data into a SQL Server table with a geography column. I've found that my times for doing inserts (same data 1.5 million rows) go up increasingly.

I started out with no geography column and it took 6 minutes, then I added a geography column and it took 20 minutes (again same data). Then I added a spatial index and it took 1 hour and 45 minutes.

I'm new at anything spatial, but this seems like really bad performance. Is there anything I can do to help speed this up or is this just the performance I'm going to see when dealing with SQL Server spatial data?

how to verify mysql backup file

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 01:46 PM PDT

Is There any tool to verify the backup taken using mysqldump without manual restoration ?

I have to take full backup daily so it is difficult for me to verify the backups daily by restoring them. As it will take time and also temporary disk space.

Please suggest me how to verify my backup online

Can I update an Access table with an Oracle table?

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 01:28 PM PDT

I have an Access database with a table with a unique key and price field among other fields. I have been told I have access to an Oracle database with those prices in it and the linking Key.

Can I run an update query in Access to update those price fields with values in the Oracle table or do I need to import the Oracle table into Access first and then run the update query from that access table?

I'm pretty well up on Access but have never had to link it with another SQL database system.

How to schedule PostgreSQL replication?

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 06:32 PM PDT

I was reading postgresql replications solution but, even I just starting understaning how it works, another doubt has arrisen. I'll be using postgres internal replication solution but as far as I understand, every event will be replicated just as it is achieved; for example, if I insert some data into the master, automatically it will be replicated to the slave...Am I right?

Well, is that so, I was searching for way of scheduling this replications as a passive backup but the thing is, I need for example, every monday on the night the database gets replicated with all the data it had inserted in it that day to a slave database in Amazon EC2 virtual servers. I was thinking on using cron as a first approach but reading postgres documentation I got aware that practically only configuring the necessary files, postgres do it for you...

So, how could I schedule replication in just desired moments?

PD.-The schedule may vary so it needs to be completely generic, also...I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 and PostgreSQL 9.1 as in the master as in the slave. Thanks

Hierarchical Structure

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 03:32 PM PDT

Every single user has say, 3 of GROUP_A, 10 GROUP_B's per GROUP_A, and 20 GROUP_C's per GROUP_B. And each of the 20 GROUP_C's involve lots of inserts/deletes...

I'm not an expert, but I've done research but it's all theoretical at this point of course, and I don't have hands on experience with the implementation that's for sure. I think my options are something like 'adjacency lists' or 'nested sets'?

Any guidance into the right direction would be very much appreciated!

force PostgreSQL into recovery mode

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 07:32 PM PDT

I have a somewhat strange question. Is there a way to manually force PostgreSQL into recovery mode? I've not been able to find aything in the documentation.

I've been working with a script monitoring a postgresql database and need to do some testing.


Dictate edition during unattended install?

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 02:59 PM PDT

I am creating an automated build of SQL Server installation which is run from a batch file. Is there any way to change the registry, or other method, of deciding which SQL Server edition (Either Enterprise or Standard) will be installed, or are the two versions still separate builds?

If they are separate builds, I guess I could get around it, by having a "master" batch file call an appropriate "child" batch file, but this would mean having a folder which contains both sets of binaries, which I rather avoid.

Best practice for tempdb log file

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 04:11 PM PDT

I have read many blogs here and there about how to configure tempdb data files but i didnt found any information regarding the tempdb log file.

Here's the strategy that I'm presently using with my tempdb:

  • I have used the recommendations of Paul Randal on how to split my tempdb data files
  • I have set the size of my tempdb data files to their maximum and disabled autogrowth. For example, i have 100gb of free disk space and set the size of my 8 tempdb data files to 10gb each. This prevent fragmentation on the disk as recommended by Brent Ozar and also I have 20gb free for my log file.

But like I said, nobody is talking about the tempdb log file. What should I do with it? On my setup, this file is at the same place as the tempdb data files. What is the size and the autogrowth value that I should use with the tempdb log file?

Partition Fact Table

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 04:32 PM PDT

In one of my fact table which has close to 25 million records in it and now when a cognos team try to run the report on top of that it takes lot of time, So i am thinking of partitioning the table we store the records in fact table based on daily basis and we do have have the id calaendarday dma in the fact table as data type int.So is there a way i can partition this fact table based on id calaendarday dma?

Please help me on the above query as it is impacting the cognos reports

SQL Server 2008 R2 corrupted after changing MAXDOP

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 01:45 PM PDT

My SQL Server 2008 R2 doesn't work after changing the MAXDOP parameter on instances.

I have 6 instances located on the same physical server and I changed MAXDOP from 1 to 2 on 5 instances. After that all these 5 instances don't work. After restart of the server any services don't start and I just see the error

The request failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion. Consult the event log or other application error logs for details

In Event Viewer I didn't find anything useful, also error log wasn't updated when I tried to run instance.

Also I noticed a strange thing. When I open the Configuration Manager and open properties of instance, I don't see the fonts of parameter's name in Advanced tab. In another tabs everything is fine. The screen is attached. Does anybody faced the same problem?

I don't have any idea how repair this...


upd: By the way, i tried start sql server manually from command line with -f or -m parameter but nothing.. I just see empty error window

Applying user-defined fields to arbitrary entities

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 05:32 PM PDT

Currently we have an old (rather crude) system that has user-defined fields, which are mapped against rows in arbitrary tables. This was an after-the-fact modification based on a customer request, and it wasn't really designed to scale well. Our system has around 60 different types of entities, which makes things even more complicated. Essentially the implementation looks like this:


UDF_ID         int  ENTITY_TYPE    int  UDF_NAME       nvarchar(64)  UDF_DATA_TYPE  int  UDF_FORMAT     nvarchar(16)  UDF_MASK       nvarchar(24)  UDF_FLAGS      int  


UDF_ID         int  ENTITY_ID      int  VALUE          int  MODIFIED       datetime  


UDF_ID         int  ENTITY_ID      int  VALUE          nvarchar(255)  MODIFIED       datetime  


This gets nice and fun when we generate our own ways to index compound primary keys, but that's another DailyWTF-worthy story.

Obviously this is pretty hideous, and leads to some spectacularly horrific queries being generated, but it's worked alright for now because we limit each entity to a maximum of 5 user-defined fields. As a quick disclaimer, I wasn't with the company when this design decision was made! ;)

Anyway, we're about to start a shiny new project and will inevitably need a better way of doing this, with no restrictions on the number of UDFs we can apply to entities, increased performance, and less horror in the generated query department. If we could run a NoSQL solution like Mongo or Redis I'd be happy and wouldn't need to bother you all, but sadly that's not an option. Instead, I need a way to do this from within SQL Server 2008 R2.

So far, I've come up with the following options:

  • Individual UDF table for each entity type, with identical structures.
    • Benefits: Queries are faster and simpler, solves the compound index problem, can search by UDF.
    • Downsides: Table versioning is more cumbersome, lots of extra tables, difficult to index across similar entity types (e.g. purchase orders and sales orders)
  • Binary blob UDF column in every entity's table.
    • Benefits: Really fast: no fetch overhead, no extra JOINs.
    • Downsides: Can't search by UDF, extra proprietary code required.
  • XML column in every entity's table.
    • Benefits: Fast like binary blobs, seems to be indexable.
    • Downsides: No idea how they work - looks complicated!

So, do any of these ideas have merit? Is there a better alternative?

Connect to SQL Server behind NAT from remote machine

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 02:32 PM PDT

The scenario is that this is a SQL Server behind a corporate firewall with your standard setup to allow only minimal outbound traffic and zero inbound. However, port 80/443 are open, per the usual allowance.

Has anyone tried, or is it possible to

  1. Connect to a remote machine port 80, say using Telnet.
  2. On the local machine, note the bound address and port [1], e.g. netstat
  3. Disconnect from telnet. Start port forwarder and listen on [1], mapped to SQL Server TCP/IP listener
  4. On remote machine, connect to SQL Server on [1]

What do you think? I just need to get some testing done and I don't want to move my huge database outside for this one-off. I am familiar with and have used UDP hole punching for NAT traversal, mainly for push to mobile phones, but am interested to know if this works with TCP as well.


I am open to other suggestions.

Network topology

Select * from statement execute very slowly, innodb io read speed is low

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 08:32 PM PDT

I have a very simple query " select * from ap_statistic " running in my servers. the servers have the same hardware and software configuration (CPU 8 core, mem :32G, OS: redhat 5.5, mysql version: 5.1 ) and run the same applications. In server A, the row number of the table ap_statistic is about 22512379, in server B, the row number of the table is 41438751. Of course the query running on server A is faster than server B, but what is strange is the query on server B is extreme slow, it takes more than 3 hours where in server A it just takes 10 minutes.

I use some tool to monitor system status and find that when the query is running in server A, system IO read speed is about 20~30M/s, but in server B it's 2~3M/s. I've tried to clean linux cache and restart mysql server, all is the same result. And I tried to restored DB from server B to server A, so the query in Server A is very very slow and io read speed is very slow. I want to know why this happen?

the ap_statistic table data in server A is generated by normally running and table data in server B is generated by a stored procedure. the table scheme is:

CREATE TABLE `ap_statistic` (    `ap_statisticId` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    `deviceId` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',    `macaddress` VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,    `check_time` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',    `ap_count` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',    `wlan` VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL,    `radio` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,    `bssid` VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL,    `zd_ap_name` VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL,    `channel` INT(2) DEFAULT NULL,    `uplinkRSSI` INT(3) DEFAULT '0',    `downlinkRSSI` INT(3) DEFAULT '0',    `txBytes` BIGINT(20) DEFAULT '0',    `rxBytes` BIGINT(20) DEFAULT '0',    `txPkts` BIGINT(20) DEFAULT '0',    `rxPkts` BIGINT(20) DEFAULT '0',    `hops` INT(1) DEFAULT '0',    `numDownlink` INT(3) DEFAULT '0',    `distance` INT(4) DEFAULT '0',    `phyerr` INT(11) DEFAULT '0',    `max_num_clients` INT(3) DEFAULT '0',    `max_mesh_downlinks` INT(1) DEFAULT '0',    `airtime` INT(3) DEFAULT '0',    `uptimePercentage` INT(3) DEFAULT '0',    `total_num_clients` INT(3) DEFAULT '0',    `tx_actual_throughput` BIGINT(20) DEFAULT '0',    `rx_actual_throughput` BIGINT(20) DEFAULT '0',    `tunnelMode` VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL,    `externalIp` VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL,    `externalPort` VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL,    `level` INT(1) DEFAULT '1'     `essid` VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL,    `total_client_join` INT(11) DEFAULT '0',    PRIMARY KEY (`ap_statisticId`),    KEY `check_time` (`check_time`),    KEY `macaddress` (`macaddress`),    KEY `deviceId` (`deviceId`)  ) ENGINE=INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8  

the follows are the table file info and some outputs of the monitor tools

Server B

  -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 18568183808 Oct 11 14:52 ap_statistic.ibd      [root@localhost itms]# filefrag ./ap_statistic.ibd    ./ap_statistic.ibd: 164 extents found, perfection would be 159 extents          TABLE         Non_unique  Key_name    Seq_in_index  Column_name     COLLATION  Cardinality  Sub_part  Packed  NULL    Index_type  COMMENT      ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  --------  ------  ------  ----------  -------      ap_statistic           0  PRIMARY                1  ap_statisticId  A             41438751    (NULL)  (NULL)          BTREE                    ap_statistic           1  check_time             1  check_time      A                10320    (NULL)  (NULL)          BTREE                    ap_statistic           1  macaddress             1  macaddress      A                   16    (NULL)  (NULL)  YES     BTREE                    ap_statistic           1  deviceId               1  deviceId        A                   16    (NULL)  (NULL)          BTREE            mysql>show status;            Variable_name   Value          Aborted_clients 0          Aborted_connects    0          Binlog_cache_disk_use   0          Binlog_cache_use    0          Bytes_received  1256          Bytes_sent  8844          Com_admin_commands  0          Com_assign_to_keycache  0          Com_alter_db    0          Com_alter_db_upgrade    0          Com_alter_event 0          Com_alter_function  0          Com_alter_procedure 0          Com_alter_server    0          Com_alter_table 0          Com_alter_tablespace    0          Com_analyze 0          Com_backup_table    0          Com_begin   0          Com_binlog  0          Com_call_procedure  0          Com_change_db   1          Com_change_master   0          Com_check   0          Com_checksum    0          Com_commit  0          Com_create_db   0          Com_create_event    0          Com_create_function 0          Com_create_index    0          Com_create_procedure    0          Com_create_server   0          Com_create_table    0          Com_create_trigger  0          Com_create_udf  0          Com_create_user 0          Com_create_view 0          Com_dealloc_sql 0          Com_delete  0          Com_delete_multi    0          Com_do  0          Com_drop_db 0          Com_drop_event  0          Com_drop_function   0          Com_drop_index  0          Com_drop_procedure  0          Com_drop_server 0          Com_drop_table  0          Com_drop_trigger    0          Com_drop_user   0          Com_drop_view   0          Com_empty_query 0          Com_execute_sql 0          Com_flush   0          Com_grant   0          Com_ha_close    0          Com_ha_open 0          Com_ha_read 0          Com_help    0          Com_insert  0          Com_insert_select   0          Com_install_plugin  0          Com_kill    0          Com_load    0          Com_load_master_data    0          Com_load_master_table   0          Com_lock_tables 0          Com_optimize    0          Com_preload_keys    0          Com_prepare_sql 0          Com_purge   0          Com_purge_before_date   0          Com_release_savepoint   0          Com_rename_table    0          Com_rename_user 0          Com_repair  0          Com_replace 0          Com_replace_select  0          Com_reset   0          Com_restore_table   0          Com_revoke  0          Com_revoke_all  0          Com_rollback    0          Com_rollback_to_savepoint   0          Com_savepoint   0          Com_select  1          Com_set_option  3          Com_show_authors    0          Com_show_binlog_events  0          Com_show_binlogs    0          Com_show_charsets   0          Com_show_collations 0          Com_show_column_types   0          Com_show_contributors   0          Com_show_create_db  0          Com_show_create_event   0          Com_show_create_func    0          Com_show_create_proc    0          Com_show_create_table   1          Com_show_create_trigger 0          Com_show_databases  0          Com_show_engine_logs    0          Com_show_engine_mutex   0          Com_show_engine_status  0          Com_show_events 0          Com_show_errors 0          Com_show_fields 1          Com_show_function_status    0          Com_show_grants 0          Com_show_keys   1          Com_show_master_status  0          Com_show_new_master 0          Com_show_open_tables    0          Com_show_plugins    0          Com_show_privileges 0          Com_show_procedure_status   0          Com_show_processlist    0          Com_show_profile    0          Com_show_profiles   0          Com_show_slave_hosts    0          Com_show_slave_status   0          Com_show_status 21          Com_show_storage_engines    0          Com_show_table_status   0          Com_show_tables 0          Com_show_triggers   0          Com_show_variables  0          Com_show_warnings   0          Com_slave_start 0          Com_slave_stop  0          Com_stmt_close  0          Com_stmt_execute    0          Com_stmt_fetch  0          Com_stmt_prepare    0          Com_stmt_reprepare  0          Com_stmt_reset  0          Com_stmt_send_long_data 0          Com_truncate    0          Com_uninstall_plugin    0          Com_unlock_tables   0          Com_update  0          Com_update_multi    0          Com_xa_commit   0          Com_xa_end  0          Com_xa_prepare  0          Com_xa_recover  0          Com_xa_rollback 0          Com_xa_start    0          Compression ON          Connections 323          Created_tmp_disk_tables 1          Created_tmp_files   5          Created_tmp_tables  2          Delayed_errors  0          Delayed_insert_threads  0          Delayed_writes  0          Flush_commands  1          Handler_commit  1          Handler_delete  0          Handler_discover    0          Handler_prepare 0          Handler_read_first  0          Handler_read_key    0          Handler_read_next   0          Handler_read_prev   0          Handler_read_rnd    0          Handler_read_rnd_next   39          Handler_rollback    0          Handler_savepoint   0          Handler_savepoint_rollback  0          Handler_update  0          Handler_write   37          Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data   43392          Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty  0          Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed    43822          Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free   637198          Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc   562          Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total  681152          Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd   9          Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seq   27          Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests    36489397          Innodb_buffer_pool_reads    27421          Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free    0          Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests   4165371          Innodb_data_fsyncs  5228          Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs  0          Innodb_data_pending_reads   1          Innodb_data_pending_writes  0          Innodb_data_read    626216960          Innodb_data_reads   36565          Innodb_data_writes  293947          Innodb_data_written 1792826880          Innodb_dblwr_pages_written  43822          Innodb_dblwr_writes 830          Innodb_log_waits    0          Innodb_log_write_requests   492588          Innodb_log_writes   268248          Innodb_os_log_fsyncs    2130          Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs    0          Innodb_os_log_pending_writes    0          Innodb_os_log_written   356559872          Innodb_page_size    16384          Innodb_pages_created    5304          Innodb_pages_read   38087          Innodb_pages_written    43822          Innodb_row_lock_current_waits   0          Innodb_row_lock_time    0          Innodb_row_lock_time_avg    0          Innodb_row_lock_time_max    0          Innodb_row_lock_waits   0          Innodb_rows_deleted 28637          Innodb_rows_inserted    306449          Innodb_rows_read    16579740          Innodb_rows_updated 887251          Key_blocks_not_flushed  0          Key_blocks_unused   212928          Key_blocks_used 1415          Key_read_requests   393323          Key_reads   16          Key_write_requests  102461          Key_writes  102439          Last_query_cost 9142769.199000          Max_used_connections    19          Not_flushed_delayed_rows    0          Open_files  24          Open_streams    0          Open_table_definitions  142          Open_tables 146          Opened_files    592          Opened_table_definitions    0          Opened_tables   0          Prepared_stmt_count 0          Qcache_free_blocks  0          Qcache_free_memory  0          Qcache_hits 0          Qcache_inserts  0          Qcache_lowmem_prunes    0          Qcache_not_cached   0          Qcache_queries_in_cache 0          Qcache_total_blocks 0          Queries 1578897          Questions   30          Rpl_status  NULL          Select_full_join    0          Select_full_range_join  0          Select_range    0          Select_range_check  0          Select_scan 2          Slave_open_temp_tables  0          Slave_retried_transactions  0          Slave_running   OFF          Slow_launch_threads 0          Slow_queries    0          Sort_merge_passes   0          Sort_range  0          Sort_rows   0          Sort_scan   0          Ssl_accept_renegotiates 0          Ssl_accepts 0          Ssl_callback_cache_hits 0          Ssl_cipher            Ssl_cipher_list           Ssl_client_connects 0          Ssl_connect_renegotiates    0          Ssl_ctx_verify_depth    0          Ssl_ctx_verify_mode 0          Ssl_default_timeout 0          Ssl_finished_accepts    0          Ssl_finished_connects   0          Ssl_session_cache_hits  0          Ssl_session_cache_misses    0          Ssl_session_cache_mode  NONE          Ssl_session_cache_overflows 0          Ssl_session_cache_size  0          Ssl_session_cache_timeouts  0          Ssl_sessions_reused 0          Ssl_used_session_cache_entries  0          Ssl_verify_depth    0          Ssl_verify_mode 0          Ssl_version           Table_locks_immediate   1549525          Table_locks_waited  0          Tc_log_max_pages_used   0          Tc_log_page_size    0          Tc_log_page_waits   0          Threads_cached  0          Threads_connected   17          Threads_created 322          Threads_running 2          Uptime  8093          Uptime_since_flush_status   8093            mysql>show variables;            Variable_name   Value          auto_increment_increment    1          auto_increment_offset   1          autocommit  ON          automatic_sp_privileges ON          back_log    50          big_tables  OFF          binlog_cache_size   32768          binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates OFF          binlog_format   STATEMENT          bulk_insert_buffer_size 8388608          character_set_client    utf8          character_set_connection    utf8          character_set_database  utf8          character_set_filesystem    binary          character_set_results   utf8          character_set_server    utf8          character_set_system    utf8          collation_connection    utf8_general_ci          collation_database  utf8_general_ci          collation_server    utf8_general_ci          completion_type 0          concurrent_insert   1          connect_timeout 10          date_format %Y-%m-%d          datetime_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s          default_week_format 0          delay_key_write ON          delayed_insert_limit    100          delayed_insert_timeout  300          delayed_queue_size  1000          div_precision_increment 4          engine_condition_pushdown   ON          error_count 0          event_scheduler OFF          expire_logs_days    0          flush   OFF          flush_time  0          foreign_key_checks  ON          ft_boolean_syntax   + -><()~*:""&|          ft_max_word_len 84          ft_min_word_len 4          ft_query_expansion_limit    20          ft_stopword_file    (built-in)          general_log OFF          group_concat_max_len    1024          have_community_features YES          have_compress   YES          have_crypt  YES          have_csv    YES          have_dynamic_loading    YES          have_geometry   YES          have_innodb YES          have_ndbcluster NO          have_openssl    DISABLED          have_partitioning   NO          have_query_cache    YES          have_rtree_keys YES          have_ssl    DISABLED          have_symlink    YES          hostname    localhost.localdomain          identity    0          ignore_builtin_innodb   OFF          init_connect              init_file             init_slave            innodb_adaptive_hash_index  ON          innodb_additional_mem_pool_size 67108864          innodb_autoextend_increment 8          innodb_autoinc_lock_mode    1          innodb_buffer_pool_size 11159994368          innodb_checksums    ON          innodb_commit_concurrency   0          innodb_concurrency_tickets  500          innodb_data_file_path   ibdata1:10M:autoextend          innodb_data_home_dir              innodb_doublewrite  ON          innodb_fast_shutdown    1          innodb_file_io_threads  4          innodb_file_per_table   ON          innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  2          innodb_flush_method O_DIRECT          innodb_force_recovery   0          innodb_lock_wait_timeout    120          innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog  ON          innodb_log_buffer_size  134217728          innodb_log_file_size    5242880          innodb_log_files_in_group   2          innodb_log_group_home_dir   ./          innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct  90          innodb_max_purge_lag    0          innodb_mirrored_log_groups  1          innodb_open_files   300          innodb_rollback_on_timeout  OFF          innodb_stats_on_metadata    ON          innodb_support_xa   ON          innodb_sync_spin_loops  20          innodb_table_locks  ON          innodb_thread_concurrency   8          innodb_thread_sleep_delay   10000          innodb_use_legacy_cardinality_algorithm ON          insert_id   0          interactive_timeout 28800          join_buffer_size    268435456          keep_files_on_create    OFF          key_buffer_size 268435456          key_cache_age_threshold 300          key_cache_block_size    1024          key_cache_division_limit    100                   large_files_support ON          large_page_size 0          large_pages OFF          last_insert_id  0          lc_time_names   en_US          license Commercial          local_infile    ON          locked_in_memory    OFF          log OFF          log_bin OFF          log_bin_trust_function_creators OFF          log_bin_trust_routine_creators  OFF                   log_output  FILE          log_queries_not_using_indexes   OFF          log_slave_updates   OFF          log_slow_queries    OFF          log_warnings    1          long_query_time 10.000000          low_priority_updates    OFF          lower_case_file_system  OFF          lower_case_table_names  1          max_allowed_packet  134217728          max_binlog_cache_size   18446744073709547520          max_binlog_size 1073741824          max_connect_errors  10          max_connections 300          max_delayed_threads 20          max_error_count 64          max_heap_table_size 268435456          max_insert_delayed_threads  20          max_join_size   18446744073709551615          max_length_for_sort_data    1024          max_prepared_stmt_count 16382          max_relay_log_size  0          max_seeks_for_key   18446744073709551615          max_sort_length 1024          max_sp_recursion_depth  0          max_tmp_tables  32          max_user_connections    0          max_write_lock_count    18446744073709551615          min_examined_row_limit  0          multi_range_count   256          myisam_data_pointer_size    6          myisam_max_sort_file_size   9223372036853727232          myisam_mmap_size    18446744073709551615          myisam_recover_options  OFF          myisam_repair_threads   1          myisam_sort_buffer_size 8388608          myisam_stats_method nulls_unequal          myisam_use_mmap OFF          net_buffer_length   16384          net_read_timeout    30          net_retry_count 10          net_write_timeout   60          new OFF          old OFF          old_alter_table OFF          old_passwords   OFF          open_files_limit    10240          optimizer_prune_level   1          optimizer_search_depth  62          optimizer_switch    index_merge=on,index_merge_union=on,index_merge_sort_union=on,index_merge_intersection=on          port    3306          preload_buffer_size 32768          profiling   OFF          profiling_history_size  15          protocol_version    10          pseudo_thread_id    18          query_alloc_block_size  8192          query_cache_limit   1048576          query_cache_min_res_unit    4096          query_cache_size    0          query_cache_type    ON          query_cache_wlock_invalidate    OFF          query_prealloc_size 8192          rand_seed1            rand_seed2            range_alloc_block_size  4096          read_buffer_size    67108864          read_only   OFF          read_rnd_buffer_size    67108864          relay_log             relay_log_index           relay_log_info_file          relay_log_purge ON          relay_log_space_limit   0          report_host           report_password           report_port 3306          report_user           rpl_recovery_rank   0          secure_auth OFF          secure_file_priv              server_id   0          skip_external_locking   ON          skip_name_resolve   ON          skip_networking OFF          skip_show_database  OFF          slave_compressed_protocol   OFF          slave_exec_mode STRICT          slave_net_timeout   3600          slave_skip_errors   OFF          slave_transaction_retries   10          slow_launch_time    2          slow_query_log  OFF          sort_buffer_size    16777216          sql_auto_is_null    ON          sql_big_selects ON          sql_big_tables  OFF          sql_buffer_result   OFF          sql_log_bin ON          sql_log_off OFF          sql_log_update  ON          sql_low_priority_updates    OFF          sql_max_join_size   18446744073709551615          sql_mode              sql_notes   ON          sql_quote_show_create   ON          sql_safe_updates    OFF          sql_select_limit    18446744073709551615          sql_slave_skip_counter            sql_warnings    OFF          ssl_ca            ssl_capath            ssl_cert              ssl_cipher            ssl_key           storage_engine  MyISAM          sync_binlog 0          sync_frm    ON          system_time_zone    UTC          table_definition_cache  256          table_lock_wait_timeout 50          table_open_cache    512          table_type  MyISAM          thread_cache_size   0          thread_handling one-thread-per-connection          thread_stack    262144          time_format %H:%i:%s          time_zone   +08:00          timed_mutexes   OFF          timestamp   1349946061          tmp_table_size  1073741824          transaction_alloc_block_size    8192          transaction_prealloc_size   4096          tx_isolation    REPEATABLE-READ          unique_checks   ON          updatable_views_with_limit  YES          version 5.1.53-enterprise-commercial-pro          version_comment MySQL Enterprise Server - Pro Edition (Commercial)          version_compile_machine x86_64          version_compile_os  unknown-linux-gnu          wait_timeout    28800          warning_count   0              mysql> show innodb status\G;          *************************** 1. row ***************************            Type: InnoDB            Name:          Status:          =====================================          121011 10:22:13 INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT          =====================================          Per second averages calculated from the last 39 seconds          ----------          SEMAPHORES          ----------          OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 3806, signal count 3778          Mutex spin waits 0, rounds 282892, OS waits 2075          RW-shared spins 1969, OS waits 864; RW-excl spins 2336, OS waits 749          ------------          TRANSACTIONS          ------------          Trx id counter 0 5303968          Purge done for trx's n:o < 0 5303951 undo n:o < 0 0          History list length 1          LIST OF TRANSACTIONS FOR EACH SESSION:          ---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, process no 30336, OS thread id 1189509440          MySQL thread id 520, query id 1861594 localhost root          show innodb status          ---TRANSACTION 0 5303967, not started, process no 30336, OS thread id 1188710720          MySQL thread id 526, query id 1861593 root          ---TRANSACTION 0 5303962, not started, process no 30336, OS thread id 1186314560          MySQL thread id 519, query id 1861555 root          ---TRANSACTION 0 5303952, not started, process no 30336, OS thread id 1188444480          MySQL thread id 515, query id 1861567 root          ---TRANSACTION 0 5303948, not started, process no 30336, OS thread id 1187912000          MySQL thread id 516, query id 1861566 root          ---TRANSACTION 0 5303937, not started, process no 30336, OS thread id 1190308160          MySQL thread id 511, query id 1861568 root          ---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, process no 30336, OS thread id 1090791744          MySQL thread id 18, query id 1596073 root          ---TRANSACTION 0 5303959, ACTIVE 63 sec, process no 30336, OS thread id 1090525504 fetching rows, thread declared inside InnoDB 500          mysql tables in use 1, locked 0          MySQL thread id 17, query id 1861400 localhost root Sending data          select * from ap_statistic          Trx read view will not see trx with id >= 0 5303960, sees < 0 5303960          --------          FILE I/O          --------          I/O thread 0 state: waiting for i/o request (insert buffer thread)          I/O thread 1 state: waiting for i/o request (log thread)          I/O thread 2 state: waiting for i/o request (read thread)          I/O thread 3 state: waiting for i/o request (write thread)          Pending normal aio reads: 0, aio writes: 0,           ibuf aio reads: 0, log i/o's: 0, sync i/o's: 0          Pending flushes (fsync) log: 0; buffer pool: 0          63521 OS file reads, 294656 OS file writes, 5641 OS fsyncs          1 pending preads, 0 pending pwrites          149.38 reads/s, 16384 avg bytes/read, 0.00 writes/s, 0.00 fsyncs/s          -------------------------------------          INSERT BUFFER AND ADAPTIVE HASH INDEX          -------------------------------------          Ibuf: size 1, free list len 318, seg size 320,          63593 inserts, 63593 merged recs, 9674 merges          Hash table size 22086161, node heap has 607 buffer(s)          0.08 hash searches/s, 0.26 non-hash searches/s          ---          LOG          ---          Log sequence number 15 2873617336          Log flushed up to   15 2873617336          Last checkpoint at  15 2873617336          0 pending log writes, 0 pending chkp writes          269102 log i/o's done, 0.00 log i/o's/second          ----------------------          BUFFER POOL AND MEMORY          ----------------------          Total memory allocated 12452785320; in additional pool allocated 15261440          Dictionary memory allocated 789024          Buffer pool size   681152          Free buffers       610013          Database pages     70532          Modified db pages  0          Pending reads 1          Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0          Pages read 65043, created 5488, written 45924          149.38 reads/s, 0.00 creates/s, 0.00 writes/s          Buffer pool hit rate 888 / 1000          --------------          ROW OPERATIONS          --------------          1 queries inside InnoDB, 0 queries in queue          2 read views open inside InnoDB          Main thread process no. 30336, id 1185782080, state: waiting for server activity          Number of rows inserted 336555, updated 1112311, deleted 28681, read 29200669          0.00 inserts/s, 0.00 updates/s, 0.00 deletes/s, 8258.58 reads/s          ----------------------------          END OF INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT          ============================            1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)            ERROR:          No query specified                iostat -dx 2            Device:    rrqm/s wrqm/s   r/s   w/s  rsec/s  wsec/s    rkB/s    wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util          sda          0.00   2.50 141.50 11.50 4516.00  112.00  2258.00    56.00    30.25     0.95    6.23   5.70  87.25          sda1         0.00   0.00  0.00  0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00          sda2         0.00   2.50 141.50 11.50 4516.00  112.00  2258.00    56.00    30.25     0.95    6.23   5.70  87.25          dm-0         0.00   0.00 141.50 14.00 4516.00  112.00  2258.00    56.00    29.76     0.97    6.24   5.62  87.35          dm-1         0.00   0.00  0.00  0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00            Device:    rrqm/s wrqm/s   r/s   w/s  rsec/s  wsec/s    rkB/s    wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util          sda          3.00   0.00 154.50  0.00 4932.00    0.00  2466.00     0.00    31.92     0.93    6.04   6.04  93.25          sda1         0.00   0.00  0.00  0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00          sda2         3.00   0.00 154.50  0.00 4932.00    0.00  2466.00     0.00    31.92     0.93    6.04   6.04  93.25          dm-0         0.00   0.00 157.50  0.00 4932.00    0.00  2466.00     0.00    31.31     0.95    6.04   5.93  93.40          dm-1         0.00   0.00  0.00  0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00            Device:    rrqm/s wrqm/s   r/s   w/s  rsec/s  wsec/s    rkB/s    wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util          sda          3.00   1.50 150.50  1.50 4804.00   24.00  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1179.00          02:49:03 PM    0   43.50    0.00    0.50    0.00    0.00    0.00   56.00   1000.50          02:49:03 PM    1    6.50    0.00    1.00   93.00    0.00    0.50    0.00    157.00          02:49:03 PM    2    1.50    0.00    0.50    0.00    0.00    0.00   98.50      0.00          02:49:03 PM    3    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00      2.50          02:49:03 PM    4   32.50    0.00    1.50    0.00    0.00    1.00   65.50     13.00          02:49:03 PM    5   11.00    0.00    4.00    0.00    0.00    1.50   83.50      0.50          02:49:03 PM    6    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00      0.00          02:49:03 PM    7   10.50    0.00    2.00    0.00    0.00    1.00   87.00      5.50  

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