Saturday, March 23, 2013

[how to] Two different ON DELETE paths, how do I need to change the schema?

[how to] Two different ON DELETE paths, how do I need to change the schema?

Two different ON DELETE paths, how do I need to change the schema?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 09:29 PM PDT

For a project in school I'm designing a website that sells items via auctions. Think eBay, but on the complexity scale of school project. We went through the process of making an ER Diagram and planning things out but we still ran into a snag with the table creation statements in SQL. It's a problem I've never had before.

I know what the problem is now after a bit of digging. There is a table with two foreign keys to two different tables. One of those two tables has a foreign key into the other. That's all fine and great. Every foreign key has an ON DELETE CASCADE except for one, which has ON DELETE SET NULL because it makes business sense. Derby is baffing at the creation of the table with the two keys, because deleting a record in one table would cause two different actions in that table.

A clearer example, in SQL.

CREATE TABLE A (    PrimaryA BIGINT,    PRIMARY KEY (PrimaryA)  );    CREATE TABLE B (     PrimaryB BIGINT,    ForeignA BIGINT NOT NULL,    PRIMARY KEY (PrimaryB),    FOREIGN KEY (ForeignA)       REFERENCES A(PrimaryA)      ON DELETE CASCADE  );      CREATE TABLE C (    PrimaryC BIGINT,    ForeignA BIGINT      DEFAULT NULL,    ForeignB BIGINT      NOT NULL,    PRIMARY KEY (PrimaryC),    FOREIGN KEY (ForeignA)       REFERENCES A(PrimaryA)      ON DELETE SET NULL,    FOREIGN KEY (ForeignB)      REFERENCES B(PrimaryB)      ON DELETE CASCADE  );  

So if those three statements went through (#3 wont) and someone deleted a row in A, there is the possibility that a row in C would want to be deleted and set null at the same time. While I respect the issue of the concurrency, shouldn't the deletion win? It isn't technically against the business logic for that to happen, but if it did I'd expect the row to be deleted.

So I obviously need to restructure the schema to avoid this pitfall but I can't really think of a way to do it and was hoping there was some magic keyword that would tell Derby to just delete the row and move on with life. If I do need to restructure, the context is that table C is the auction. Each auction has exactly one feedback entry, which is B. It also has exactly one user who is selling the item (A). Feedback (B) entries keep track of the user (A) who places them. In this respect it is the buyer who leaves the feedback.

Now it makes perfect sense to delete the auction (C) if the user (A) who is selling the item has their account deleted. However it doesn't make sense for the auction to be deleted if a rouge user (A) leaves foul feeback (B) on an auction (C) and gets their account deleted. It also doesn't make sense to populate the foreign key to B from C until after the auction is closed and the buyer (A) can leave feedback, which is why it is set to NULL initially. Like I said before, it is technically possible for a user (A) to create an auction (C) and then buy the item from themselves and leave feedback (B) and then have their account deleted. In that case the ON DELETE CASCADE should win from a business logic point of view.

I read through this question and the resolution was to normalize, which I've done already. In that question this was linked, and there they offered a solution to the multiple cascade path that I don't fully understand, but I get enough to believe it isn't a solution to this because I don't actually want to delete along both paths. Another thing mentioned was triggers. I have a rough understanding of triggers at a high level but have never designed or coded one before.

How do I fix the definer problem The user specified as a definer ('fred'@'192.168.0.%') does not exist

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 02:17 PM PDT

I dumped an existing database from my web site into a new MySQL setup on my laptop. Everything works except pages that use a view, when the error message above appears. There is only one view on the system. I assumed that this was caused because the user was not in the system, but looking in the users database of MySQL the user is listed correct with the password.

The dump was from an earlier version of MySQL (5.0) into the latest one that comes with Xamp 5.527. At first I thought it could be that the latest version was incompatible with the existing one.

Looking on this forum, there are some existing answers covering this problem that refer to making changes to the database and then dumping it again.

However, my on line database works fine, so I dare not make changes to it in case I kill it. That is assuming that I understood what changes I should make and how to do it. I have PHPmyadmin. Can I modify it on the existing dumped database,or do I have to change it on the on line one and then export it?

And exactly what do I need to do to modify it. The original database was a Microsoft Access one, converted to MySQL, and it has worked without error since 2003.

How to access the number of rows accumulated by RETURNs in PL/pgSQL

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 04:17 PM PDT

When performing


in a PL/pgSQL function, is it possible afterwards to directly access the number of rows accumulated into the pile of records, which are returned when the function ends?


RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM tableA; -- 14 records  RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM tableB; -- 8 records  RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM tableC; -- 22 records  

The number of accumulated records should now be 44.

Monitoring real-time statistics on PostgreSQL

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 11:28 AM PDT

I need to monitor the DB performance on a distributed system with multiple databases. Some of the database servers use pgbouncer to pool connections and in those servers I can connect to pgbouncer and execute a SHOW STATS; command to retrieve certain statistics, I'm interested in the following:

avg_req | avg_recv | avg_sent | avg_query

 563 |  1080453 |  2060908 |     57718  

The columns means:

avg_req Average requests per second in last stat period.

avg_recv Average received (from clients) bytes per second.

avg_sent Average sent (to clients) bytes per second.

avg_query Average query duration in microseconds.

Now my question is, is there a way of gathering this information without using pgbouncer on a postgresql server?

Normalization/normal forms - May a field describe an other field?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 10:43 AM PDT

Like this:

CREATE TABLE persons(      id serial8 NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,      name varchar,      -- A lot of other fields      date_of_birth timestamp with time zone,      date_of_birth_precision varchar(16),      CHECK (date_of_birth_precision IN ('Years','Months','Days','Hours','Minutes'))  );  

date_of_birth_precision describes the precision of date_of_birth.

I wonder if it violates this rule (because I don't fully understand the rule):

Every non-prime attribute of R is non-transitively dependent (i.e. directly dependent) on every superkey of R.

mysql table not updating no errors

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 10:41 AM PDT

i am using mysql 5.2.44 CE revision 9933 i have a table in which i am trying to update a few columns of the rows i am not using queries, just doing it using the edit table UI provided in the workbench. after i fill in the details and hit apply, mysql doesnt show any errors but it doesnt update the table either. the table uses the InnoDB engine. can anyone please tell me what the issue might be. thanks

Custom unique column constraint, only enforced if one column has a specific value

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 02:05 PM PDT

Is it possible to have a custom unique column constraint as follows? Suppose I have two cols, subset and type, both strings (though the data types probably doesn't matter).

If type is "true", then I want the combination of type and subset to be unique. Otherwise, there is no constraint. I'm using PostgreSQL 8.4 on Debian.

MySQL export user with semi-colon ";" on the end

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 08:23 AM PDT

I am trying to set up automatic export of user accounts from one server to import into another. I am running the following command;

$ mysql -u root -p -B -s -e "show grants for 'myuser'@'localhost';" > user_export.sql    $ cat user_export.sql    GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'myuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*IHIHIHOOEHOEHOH'  GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `mydb`.* TO 'myuser'@'localhost'  

The problem here is that these SQL statements don't end with ; so I can't import it on another remote server using:

$ mysql -u root -p -D mydb < user_export.sql  

I know I could write bash one-liner to wrap this and add a semi-colon but I am hoping there is away to get these statements with the semi-colon on the end to keep this nice and simple, and clear.

How to migrate data from SQL database to MySQL including flat files?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 09:56 AM PDT

one of my friend has asked some asp developer to make online application where user can upload files also. jpg, doc, pdf and all these files are saved in SQL database as flat file. Now my friend asked me to do everything in php and he want to migrate all the data which he has in SQL datbase to MySQL database. I can do it. text can be migrated easily but the files which are saved in SQL database can be migrated to MySQL as flat files. is it possible?

Unique index on 2 columns in mysql

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 05:55 AM PDT

I have one table in mysql named 'UserFriends' where I am updating my websites user's friends details.

here is the schema of the table (UserFriends)

id  int,  Userid int,  friendid int,  createdate timespan  

now, I want to create unique index on userid & friendid. that i have created unique index well. so, right now i am not able to insert same userid and friendid as duplicate. but if i am inserting same value in opposite field it accept without generating error.

example :

insert into userfriends ( userid, friendid )  select 1, 2  --- insert perfect  insert into userfriends ( userid, friendid )  select 1, 2  --- show error because unique index comes in a picture  

now i am inserting

insert into userfriends ( userid, friendid )  select 2, 1  --- records insert here (i don't want this)  

How do i prevent this?

loading a csv file which is on local system in to Mysql DB which is on remote server

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 08:27 AM PDT

Can we directly load a CSV file ( which is on the local system) on MYSQL DB ( which is installed on the Remote server ) ?

'load data infile into table name' command can only be used for loading in local system only.

Please Review my Schema

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 02:48 PM PDT

enter image description here

Anything obvious that could be improved upon? :) I am positive there are no direct errors. More what I am looking for is errors in normalization and areas that I could simplify data storage. Please see my previous question for the context and motivation.

MySQL - What exactly does smallint(2) permit?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 08:05 AM PDT

Sorry for the really simple question, but I can't figure it out.

When I set up my schema, I set up my primary key to use a field of type smallint(2). The thought behind it was that the field should only ever consist of 2-digit numbers, 1-99.

We've broken the upper limit of that and now I'm seeing 3-digit numbers being added to this field. I'm now speculating that smallint(2) and varchar(2) do not function the same, but since I don't understand what's going on with this table I'm getting a little concerned.

What values does a field such as smallint(2) allow?


Postgresql query speed

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 05:44 PM PDT

This is my first time seriously attempting to get into the guts of the speed of a query on Postgres, and I was hoping for some more explanation of exactly what is going on. I am using Postgres v 9.1 on Windows x64 with 8 GB of RAM. I've updated my postgres.conf, changing the following relevant lines

effective_cache_size = 2GB  shared_buffers = 2GB            # min 128kB  work_mem = 256MB                # min 64kB  default_statistics_target = 100 # range 1-10000  

My query looks like the following

SELECT MAX(fraction) AS last_fraction FROM (  SELECT as object_id, dose_hsts.fractions_tx as fraction, MIN(multi_record_statuses.sanction_dttm) AS approved,  MIN(dose_hsts.tx_dttm) AS treated FROM "dose_hsts"  LEFT JOIN sites ON dose_hsts.site_id =  LEFT JOIN tx_plan_assocs ON sites.record_set_id = tx_plan_assocs.record_set_id  LEFT JOIN object_mqs ON tx_plan_assocs.object_mq_id =  LEFT JOIN multi_record_statuses ON = multi_record_statuses.object_mq_id  WHERE "dose_hsts"."institution_id" = 4 AND "dose_hsts"."was_qa_mode" = 'f'  AND ("dose_hsts"."tx_dttm" BETWEEN '2012-04-13 07:24:14.000000' AND '2012-04-20 07:24:14.000000')  AND (dose_hsts.fractions_tx > 0) AND (multi_record_statuses.staff_type = 'Doctor' OR multi_record_statuses.staff_type IS NULL)  AND (object_mqs.status_enum != 1) AND "object_mqs"."file_format" = 7  GROUP BY, dose_hsts.fractions_tx ORDER BY  ) AS dose_hsts WHERE (approved >= treated OR approved IS NULL) AND (treated IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY object_id  

I've already gone ahead and run explain (analyze, buffers), and the output can be seen, parsed here. I'm happy to supply any more information that is requested.

Since this is my first time really trying to squeeze performance out of Postgres, I'm hoping to get more information on exactly what is happening in my query. It looks like the most time is spent in an index scan of the dose_hsts table, and I really want to know if I can make this faster. If it makes any difference, the dose_hsts table has 170976 rows in it, but it will be growing by a lot, how much of a difference does this make? Also this query takes about 100 ms to run and returns only 5 rows.


here is the output with EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, VERBOSE) on Depesz, and below is the raw output:

"GroupAggregate  (cost=716.73..716.85 rows=2 width=6) (actual time=55.117..55.194 rows=5 loops=1)"  "  Output: max(public.dose_hsts.fractions_tx),"  "  ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=716.73..716.80 rows=2 width=22) (actual time=55.013..55.187 rows=17 loops=1)"  "        Output:, public.dose_hsts.fractions_tx, min(multi_record_statuses.sanction_dttm), min(public.dose_hsts.tx_dttm)"  "        Filter: (((min(multi_record_statuses.sanction_dttm) >= min(public.dose_hsts.tx_dttm)) OR (min(multi_record_statuses.sanction_dttm) IS NULL)) AND (min(public.dose_hsts.tx_dttm) IS NOT NULL))"  "        ->  Sort  (cost=716.73..716.74 rows=2 width=22) (actual time=54.992..55.005 rows=618 loops=1)"  "              Output:, public.dose_hsts.fractions_tx, multi_record_statuses.sanction_dttm, public.dose_hsts.tx_dttm"  "              Sort Key:, public.dose_hsts.fractions_tx"  "              Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 73kB"  "              ->  Nested Loop  (cost=581.41..716.72 rows=2 width=22) (actual time=11.445..54.589 rows=618 loops=1)"  "                    Output:, public.dose_hsts.fractions_tx, multi_record_statuses.sanction_dttm, public.dose_hsts.tx_dttm"  "                    ->  Hash Join  (cost=581.41..648.17 rows=12 width=16) (actual time=8.551..10.224 rows=1734 loops=1)"  "                          Output:,, multi_record_statuses.sanction_dttm"  "                          Hash Cond: (sites.record_set_id = tx_plan_assocs.record_set_id)"  "                          ->  Seq Scan on public.sites  (cost=0.00..56.66 rows=2666 width=8) (actual time=0.004..0.277 rows=2666 loops=1)"  "                                Output:, sites.patient_id, sites.site_name, sites.technique, sites.dose_ttl, sites.dose_tx, sites.fractions, sites.record_set_id, sites.created_at, sites.updated_at"  "                          ->  Hash  (cost=581.28..581.28 rows=10 width=16) (actual time=8.527..8.527 rows=1328 loops=1)"  "                                Output: tx_plan_assocs.record_set_id,, multi_record_statuses.sanction_dttm"  "                                Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 63kB"  "                                ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=448.80..581.28 rows=10 width=16) (actual time=1.974..8.001 rows=1422 loops=1)"  "                                      Output: tx_plan_assocs.record_set_id,, multi_record_statuses.sanction_dttm"  "                                      Filter: (((multi_record_statuses.staff_type)::text = 'Doctor'::text) OR (multi_record_statuses.staff_type IS NULL))"  "                                      ->  Hash Join  (cost=448.80..487.77 rows=110 width=8) (actual time=1.963..2.887 rows=1630 loops=1)"  "                                            Output: tx_plan_assocs.record_set_id,"  "                                            Hash Cond: (tx_plan_assocs.object_mq_id ="  "                                            ->  Seq Scan on public.tx_plan_assocs  (cost=0.00..29.58 rows=1658 width=8) (actual time=0.002..0.164 rows=1658 loops=1)"  "                                                  Output:, tx_plan_assocs.object_mq_id, tx_plan_assocs.record_set_id, tx_plan_assocs.pat_c_plan_id, tx_plan_assocs.created_at, tx_plan_assocs.updated_at"  "                                            ->  Hash  (cost=417.15..417.15 rows=2532 width=4) (actual time=1.950..1.950 rows=2521 loops=1)"  "                                                  Output:"  "                                                  Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 89kB"  "                                                  ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on public.object_mqs  (cost=51.97..417.15 rows=2532 width=4) (actual time=0.287..1.354 rows=2521 loops=1)"  "                                                        Output:"  "                                                        Recheck Cond: (object_mqs.file_format = 7)"  "                                                        Filter: (object_mqs.status_enum <> 1)"  "                                                        ->  Bitmap Index Scan on index_object_mqs_on_file_format  (cost=0.00..51.34 rows=2545 width=0) (actual time=0.230..0.230 rows=2575 loops=1)"  "                                                              Index Cond: (object_mqs.file_format = 7)"  "                                      ->  Index Scan using index_multi_record_statuses_on_object_mq_id on public.multi_record_statuses  (cost=0.00..0.82 rows=2 width=21) (actual time=0.001..0.002 rows=2 loops=1630)"  "                                            Output:, multi_record_statuses.sanction_dttm, multi_record_statuses.staff_type, multi_record_statuses.is_required, multi_record_statuses.object_mq_id, multi_record_statuses.site_setup_hst_id, multi_record_statuses.status_enum, multi_record_statuses.created_at, multi_record_statuses.updated_at"  "                                            Index Cond: ( = multi_record_statuses.object_mq_id)"  "                    ->  Index Scan using index_dose_hsts_on_site_id on public.dose_hsts  (cost=0.00..5.70 rows=1 width=14) (actual time=0.024..0.025 rows=0 loops=1734)"  "                          Output:, public.dose_hsts.patient_id, public.dose_hsts.institution_id, public.dose_hsts.site_id, public.dose_hsts.tx_field_id, public.dose_hsts.tx_dttm, public.dose_hsts.was_qa_mode, public.dose_hsts.partially_treated, public.dose_hsts.was_overridden, public.dose_hsts.meterset, public.dose_hsts.is_port_field, public.dose_hsts.fractions_tx, public.dose_hsts.fx_number_in_effect, public.dose_hsts.created_at, public.dose_hsts.updated_at, public.dose_hsts.was_verified, public.dose_hsts.meterset_prev_delivered"  "                          Index Cond: (public.dose_hsts.site_id ="  "                          Filter: ((NOT public.dose_hsts.was_qa_mode) AND (public.dose_hsts.tx_dttm >= '2012-04-13 07:24:14'::timestamp without time zone) AND (public.dose_hsts.tx_dttm <= '2012-04-20 07:24:14'::timestamp without time zone) AND (public.dose_hsts.fractions_tx > 0) AND (public.dose_hsts.institution_id = 4))"  "Total runtime: 55.416 ms"  

mysql crash SIGSEGV under stress

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 03:45 PM PDT

I am running a server in C++ which is using MYSQL client library. When simultaneous connections are 200 or more I see mysql doing a SIGSEGV. How to handle them

Thread [17] 2844 [core: 0] (Suspended : Signal : SIGSEGV:Segmentation fault)          0x0          net_real_write() at 0x7ffff78d1ae5          net_flush() at 0x7ffff78d201b          net_write_command() at 0x7ffff78d21d0          cli_advanced_command() at 0x7ffff78cf1ca          mysql_send_query() at 0x7ffff78cd58d          mysql_real_query() at 0x7ffff78cd5a9  

Optimal drive configuration for SQL Server 2008R2

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 06:21 PM PDT

I have a fairly busy database server running SQL Server 2008 R2 that has the following setup:

  • SATA RAID 1 (2 Drives) - OS / Programs
  • SAS RAID 10 (4 Drives) - Sql Database Files (data and logs)
  • SAS RAID 1 (2 Drives) - TempDB (data and logs)

Assuming I can't add additional drives into this server, have I made the best use of the configuration I have available? Or should I consider another scheme here where logs are isolated from the data files, for example?


For those that requested further hardware details:

  • The SATA drives (used for the OS / Program partition) are: WD 7200 RPM 3 Gb/s 3.5 Inch SATA
  • The SAS drives used in the other arrays are: Seagate 15K RPM 6 Gb/s 3.5 inch SAS
  • The RAID controller used is an: LSI 9260-8i SAS/SATA 6 Gb 8 port

Tools and methodologies to keep to DBs aligned

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 01:48 PM PDT

2 DBs having schemas that represent the same semantic objects. The first one is production DB (Non-RDBMS, in-house implemented in-memory DB with shitload of RAM). Other is Postgres.

Once in a while the production DB is changed (schema upgrade).

Question: what is the best practice to keep DBs of different types aligned semantically?

How to connect to a Database made by Oracle SQL Database?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 10:48 AM PDT

So I am fairly new at this, so if you could keep that in mind in your answers, it would be much appreciated. I installed Oracle SQL Database on my Windows PC. It came in two zip files. I installed it and the online portion of it works fine. I can login with Username: sys and Password: **. What I am trying to do is connect to this newly created database on another computer through SQL Developer. I have read that in order to do this, you need to change the hostname of the Database from "localhost" to an IP Address. How do I do that and is there anything else I need to do to make this work?

I also found this LINK. Is this something I should do? I do not have a Domain though.


# listener.ora Network Configuration File:    C:\app\hyderz\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\network\admin\listener.ora  # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.    SID_LIST_LISTENER =  (SID_LIST =   (SID_DESC =     (SID_NAME = CLRExtProc)     (ORACLE_HOME = C:\app\hyderz\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2)     (PROGRAM = extproc)     (ENVS = "EXTPROC_DLLS=ONLY:C:\app\hyderz\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\bin\oraclr11.dll")   )  )    LISTENER =  (DESCRIPTION_LIST =    (DESCRIPTION =      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1522))      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1522))    )  )    ADR_BASE_LISTENER = C:\app\hyderz  


# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File:   C:\app\hyderz\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\network\admin\tnsnames.ora  # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.    LISTENER_ORCL =    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1522))      ORACLR_CONNECTION_DATA =  (DESCRIPTION =  (ADDRESS_LIST =    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1522))  )  (CONNECT_DATA =    (SID = CLRExtProc)    (PRESENTATION = RO)  )  )    ORCL =  (DESCRIPTION =  (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1522))  (CONNECT_DATA =    (SERVER = DEDICATED)    (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)  )  )  

replicate-wild-ignore-table does not stop already logged queries on slave

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 11:48 AM PDT

We have a master DB where where multiple queries where fired on a specific table, these queries were taking too long to execute on slave and it was lagging behind and as a result of which queries were queued and executing one by one.

Later we identified that this table was not required to be replicated and we added this table to replicate-wild-ignore-table on the slave's my.cnf and restarted the slave. But the slave again picked up the remaining queries for that table. Ideally it should have skipped the queries for that table. We are not able to figure out why this is happening.

Can somebody explain?

Backup plan for MySQL NDB cluster databse not innoDB

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 06:48 AM PDT

I have a Database which will grow more than 250GB all data is in NDB engine(2 datanodes) and no other mysql engine used for data store.

  • What are the best approaches or plans for MySQL Cluster NDB database backup.

  • Is MySQL Enterprise Backup( part of MySQL Cluster CGE) or any other tool does backup for NDB?

  • Can a beginner like me do these backup of NDB easily or needs specialised skills?

Kind regards,

How do I display subtotals in cube browser in SSAS 2012 (Sql Server Data Tools)?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 04:48 PM PDT

Apparently this feature was available in previous versions but has now been removed.

What are some alternatives?

How to optimize a log process in MySQL?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 06:10 AM PDT

In my project, I have about 100.000 users and can't control their behavior. Now, what I would like to do is log their activity in a certain task. Every activity, is one record which includes columns like user_id and some tag_id's.

The problem I have, is that these tasks in some cases can go up to 1.000.000 per year per user. So if I would store all these activities in one table. that would obviously become very big (=slow).

What is best to do here? Create a single table per user (so I have 100.000 log tables) or put all these activities in one table? And what kind of engine should I use?

One important thing to note: Although i simplified the situation a bit the following doesn't look normal, but users can also change values in these tables (like tag_id's).

Merge Replication SQL

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 03:48 PM PDT

I am currently having a problem with the following Creating a merge replication is simple if the servers are on the same network, i would like to know how can i do a merge replication if the servers are on seperate networks I am using SQL 2008 R2

Migrating MySQL to new server

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 12:48 PM PDT

We have a MySQL 5.1 instance running on Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 (Server A) replicated to another MySQL 5.1 instance on Windows Server 2003 R2 (Server B).

We have a new MySQL 5.5 instance on another Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 machine (Server C).

I want to replace Server A with Server C.

My plan is to set up Server C as another slave to Server A by 'cloning' Server B like this:

After that I plan on doing this:

After that I want to change Server B's master to Server C.

Is this a viable approach? Are there caveats? May there be any compatibility issues when setting a MySQL 5.5 instance as slave to a MySQL 5.1 instance?

I can't just stop everything and use mysqldump since there can be no downtime and we have ~25 GB of data that must be transferred over a Gigabit LAN.

Replicating data from Oracle to MySQL

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 09:07 PM PDT

I work with a vendor that does data analytics, and they currently receive a replication stream from some of our databases using a product called Goldengate (which is very expensive). Goldengate has been great - it replicates transactions from the Tandem-NSK source and can apply the changes into any supported database - they're using MySQL at the remote end. We're switching our billing system to Oracle, and while we could continue to use Goldengate to move these logs, I'd like to see if there's another option.

We initially chose Goldengate because nothing else could get data out of the Tandem NSK, but now that we're moving to Oracle, there may be some more native (or at least simpler) choices. I've got nothing against them - like I said, it works great - but I'm hoping that two mainstrem databases are easier to do replication between than the NSK.

Are there any products of methods that would help get transactional data from an Oracle system into an MySQL database? I'm not sure if there's any way to do this kind of replication natively (I know we can do Oracle -> MSSQL using native replication, but not any way to target MySQL that I'm aware of), or if anybody knows of a product that could facilitate this (and costs less than Goldengate).

Thanks for any suggestions!

MySQL: Lock wait timeout exceeded

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 02:48 PM PDT

I have a developer that has been trying to alter a large table (~60M rows). Via LiquidBase/JDBC they're running


Today while it was running I checked in on it periodically; everything looked normal, the query was running, in state "copying to tmp table", I could see the temp table on disk getting larger and larger (still plenty of free space). I could see other processes blocked waiting for this table to be unlocked. Finally after about 4.5 hours, they got the "lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction" error. This is actually the 2nd time they've tried, and it seems to fail right about when I would expect it to complete.

innodb_lock_wait_timeout is set to the default 50, I can't imagine it would run for so long to be affected by this. No errors logged, no deadlocks or other weirdness seen in 'show engine innodb status'. Can anyone help me with other ideas? I'm fairly stumped on this one.


MI Data Warehouse Advice

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 06:49 PM PDT

I have recently started a new job and part of my remit is to try to rescue the Management Information (MI) Data Warehouse. I use the term Data Warehouse very loosely here!

The server setup is:

  • Windows Server 2008
  • MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition

The disks split in to 3 drives:

  • C: (OS) & System Databases

  • D: Log Files (Approx 120GB Free)

  • E: Data Files (Approx 1.3TB Free)

These are the observations I have made regarding the database:

  • The schema is exactly the same as the equivalent production database schema. So rather than extract & transform the data in to a Data Warehouse style schema it is basically a copy of production that is used for reporting.
  • The tables do not have any indexes, primary keys or foreign keys.
  • Most information required for reporting is located in 5-10 core tables. These tables range from 10-15 million rows to 1.6 billion rows.
  • There are no stored procedures or views. All reports use embedded SQL (most of these reports are Excel docs.)
  • I have found some tables that contain duplicate rows, that shouldn't be there.
  • There are hundreds of logins with access that no one seems to know who they are or what they need them for.

Importing data

The data is imported using batch files and OSQL. It is slow, clunky and prone to failure (It has failed 4 times and I have only been there for 2 and half weeks) The logging is also poor.

So apart from all that, it is perfect...

I need to find a way to fight my way out of this mess but I am not sure how to go about it.

Ideally, I want to be able to:

  • migrate the import process to use staging tables and SSIS
  • modify the existing schema to include referential integrity
  • create indexes to improve performance
  • create the reports in SSRS instead of random Excel docs dotted around
  • lock down the access (or at least perform some sort of audit)

The main issue at the moment is the performance. I have created a new filegroup on drive D: (where the log files are stored) and placed a few non clustered indexes on there. I am being slightly cautious as I don't want to increase the import times as these are taking too long as it is!

I wanted to partition the larger tables but partitioning is not included in Standard, it is an Enterprise feature.

I realise that this is a pretty huge task and I am not looking for a magic fix but a little guidance on how to attack this would be a great help.


I should also point out that there is no test or dev environment for this either...

Designing a database for a site that stores content from multiple services?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 03:48 AM PDT

I'm building a site that implements David Allen's Getting Things Done that pulls in your email, Facebook newsfeed, tweets from those you follow on Twitter, and more services are planned. The problem is that I'm not a DBA, and I'm not sure how to design the database so that as I add features to the site, I won't have to artificially corrupt people's raw data for the purposes of storing it (for example, I want to add the ability to get RSS feeds sometime in the future, but I'm not sure how I'd do that without making a mess).

I've put down my initial ideas using DBDesigner 4, below, you'll find the diagram and the SQL.

A few notes to help clarify clarify things.

  • The Accounts table is for storing authentication tokens and such for facebook, twitter, and such.
  • The messages table is incomplete.
  • The password fields in emailconfiguration and users are encrypted, users with a one-way hash, emailconfiguration with a two-way.
  • I'm using a MySQL database using the InnoDB storage engine on Amazon RDS.
  • Each project may have one context associated with it.
  • Each message may have a project and context, but it's not required.
  • The imap, smtp, and pop3 tables exist to remove duplication within email configuration.
  • queries to this database are generated by Korma, a clojure library.

Can someone please point me in the right direction? I'd also be willing to look at using a NoSQL database if suggested. Thank you for your time and consideration.

site database schema

Here's the SQL create script just in case anyone wants to see it.

CREATE TABLE Pop3 (    domain VARCHAR NOT NULL,    host VARCHAR NULL,    port INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL,    ssl BOOL NULL,    PRIMARY KEY(domain)  )  TYPE=InnoDB;    CREATE TABLE Imap (    domain VARCHAR NOT NULL,    Host VARCHAR NULL,    port INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL,    ssl BOOL NULL,    PRIMARY KEY(domain)  )  TYPE=InnoDB;    CREATE TABLE users (    Username VARCHAR NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    email VARCHAR NULL,    password_2 VARCHAR NULL,    activation VARCHAR NULL,    is_active BOOL NULL,    PRIMARY KEY(Username)  )  TYPE=InnoDB;    CREATE TABLE smtp (    domain VARCHAR NOT NULL,    host VARCHAR NULL,    port INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL,    ssl BOOL NULL,    PRIMARY KEY(domain)  )  TYPE=InnoDB;    CREATE TABLE projects (    id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    users_Username VARCHAR NOT NULL,    name VARCHAR NULL,    description TEXT NULL,    context INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL,    PRIMARY KEY(id, users_Username),    INDEX projects_FKIndex1(users_Username),    FOREIGN KEY(users_Username)      REFERENCES users(Username)        ON DELETE NO ACTION        ON UPDATE NO ACTION  )  TYPE=InnoDB;    -- ------------------------------------------------------------  -- This is the table where access info for facebook, twitter, and others is stored.  -- ------------------------------------------------------------    CREATE TABLE Accountsi (    id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    users_Username VARCHAR NOT NULL,    owner INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL,    service VARCHAR NULL,    username VARCHAR NULL,    send INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL,    receive INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL,    info TEXT NULL,    PRIMARY KEY(id, users_Username),    INDEX Accountsi_FKIndex1(users_Username),    FOREIGN KEY(users_Username)      REFERENCES users(Username)        ON DELETE NO ACTION        ON UPDATE NO ACTION  )  TYPE=InnoDB;    CREATE TABLE EmailConfiguration (    id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    users_Username VARCHAR NOT NULL,    owner INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    address VARCHAR NULL,    psswd VARCHAR BINARY NULL,    domain VARCHAR NULL,    PRIMARY KEY(id, users_Username),    INDEX EmailConfiguration_FKIndex1(users_Username),    FOREIGN KEY(users_Username)      REFERENCES users(Username)        ON DELETE NO ACTION        ON UPDATE NO ACTION  )  TYPE=InnoDB;    CREATE TABLE Messages (    id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    users_Username VARCHAR NOT NULL,    message_id VARCHAR NULL,    user_id VARCHAR NULL,    account INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL,    service VARCHAR NULL,    project INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    context INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    PRIMARY KEY(id, users_Username),    INDEX Messages_FKIndex1(users_Username),    FOREIGN KEY(users_Username)      REFERENCES users(Username)        ON DELETE NO ACTION        ON UPDATE NO ACTION  )  TYPE=InnoDB;    CREATE TABLE context (    id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    projects_id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    projects_users_Username VARCHAR NOT NULL,    users_Username VARCHAR NOT NULL,    name VARCHAR NULL,    description TEXT NULL,    PRIMARY KEY(id, projects_id, projects_users_Username, users_Username),    INDEX context_FKIndex1(projects_id, projects_users_Username),    INDEX context_FKIndex2(users_Username),    FOREIGN KEY(projects_id, projects_users_Username)      REFERENCES projects(id, users_Username)        ON DELETE NO ACTION        ON UPDATE NO ACTION,    FOREIGN KEY(users_Username)      REFERENCES users(Username)        ON DELETE NO ACTION        ON UPDATE NO ACTION  )  TYPE=InnoDB;  

Why does MyISAM support FULLTEXT Searching and InnoDB does not?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 07:29 AM PDT

I know the basic differences between the MyISAM and InnoDB engines. In MySQL 5.6 beta, InnoDB will support fulltext search. But, I wonder why previous versions of InnobDB didn't support FTS? My guess is because table storage format or the way that data is indexed. Sorry for my ignorance.

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