Monday, October 14, 2013

[MS SQL Server] Linked Server not working correctly

[MS SQL Server] Linked Server not working correctly

Linked Server not working correctly

Posted: 14 Oct 2013 06:10 AM PDT

I am trying to set up a linked server (2008R2 to 2008R2).. where the name of the linked server is not the name of the server (we have only one instance per server). But it fails with a login error:Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1, Line 1Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.The SQL Auth Login does exits, from below, and I can log in using Management StudioThe SQL I am using:EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'Willis02', @srvproduct=N'MSDASQL', @provider=N'SQLNCLI', @provstr=N'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=R2D2;UID=LinkedServer_Test;PWD=Help;' EXEC sp_serveroption 'R2D2', 'rpc out', 'true';EXEC sp_serveroption 'R2D2', 'rpc', 'true';

Failed to Enlist TSX Server (SQL Server WMI provider is not available)

Posted: 14 Oct 2013 03:16 AM PDT

I have an MSX server SQL 2008 (10.0.5512) attempting to enlist SQL 2012 (11.0.3128) running on server 2012 as a TSX server. In the enlist wizzard the first and third steps complete without error, step two fails "SQL Server WMI provider is not available on server, invalid namespace (SystemManagement)" Both SQL Server Service and Agent accounts are domain accounts. I can connect to the SqlServer Configuration Manager. Firewall is completely off. Same subnet. So far I have: 1. (Registry) MSXEncryptChannelOptions set to 0 2. Run mofcomp against sqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof 3. (Registry) Confrimed RegularMSXConnections 0 4. SQL Server Configuration/Network Configuraton all enabled 5. Component Services "Windows Management and Instrumentation" Launch and Activation Permissions added Everyone same as was on another SQL install server 2008. Allowed Local and Remote Launch and Activation. 6. WMIMGMT confirmed there is an entry for Root/Microsoft/SqlServer/ComputerManagement11 and permissions match current working install on server 2008. I have also tried to enlist a completely serperate Server 2012 with SQL 2012 with the same results. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

Problem with cdc when we altering the source table;

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 01:17 PM PDT

Hello DBAs!Am facing the problem when I adding or altering the columns in source table.. its not getting reflected in cdc that corresponding table automatically... but previous months it was working fine.. but I could not see any error logs.. I would like to know why this ddl changes are not get reflected in cdc table?Is there any root cause..plz let me know you suggestions :-) Thanks in advance

Authentication Mode ??

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 05:42 PM PDT

I have a sql server 2008 r2 install with Windows Authentication mode selected.However I am seeing SQL accounts connect - how is this possible ??Thanks

[Articles] The Case of the Lost Card

[Articles] The Case of the Lost Card

The Case of the Lost Card

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 11:00 PM PDT

Protecting our physical systems usually involves some type of security at the office. For many of this, we have some type of key card system. Andy Warren asks today how you handle things and does it work well.

[SQL 2012] Always on : Read only query locked by system process

[SQL 2012] Always on : Read only query locked by system process

Always on : Read only query locked by system process

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 08:52 PM PDT

Dear all,I have always on secondary server which supports Read only workload. The read only queries have been smooth for several months.Yesterday the read only queries were blocked by a system process ( spid 44 ). on From Sysprocesses I understand that the system process command type was DBStartup. The replica state is also synchronizing ( aysnc mode ) and healthy. Any clue why such a behaviour? thanks

[T-SQL] How To implement the SCD with Row level log using CheckSum option in Tsql

[T-SQL] How To implement the SCD with Row level log using CheckSum option in Tsql

How To implement the SCD with Row level log using CheckSum option in Tsql

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 05:40 PM PDT

Hi Friends,I want to implement the SCD with row level log using CheckSum optionMy Source table : Emp_Source(EId ,EName,Sal,Deg,Staus) -- here staus is add/update/deleteMy Destination Table : Emp(Eid (primarykey) ,E name,Sal,Deg,Flag,Start date,End date,Check_Sum_Value) here flag : y/NMy Log Table : Log(EID,Erronumber,ErrorDes) Now my aim is in source level any error is coming then go to that row in log table other wise record go to destination table with check sum option i.e SCD.Will you please any one guide me how to i have implement this SCD with row-level log using check sum optino in T-sqlRegards,Nalini

Script Help

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 05:55 AM PDT

Hello. I have a portion of a table that looks like what I've listed below. This is just a small subset of the data that I'm attempting to retrieve, but this displays what the structure looks like. What I would like to do is have a script that can pull all but the top two lines. So, I want to get everything that's below the line that contains "E-Mail". Hope this makes sense.Right now, I can pull lines 3 and 4 by using the script below, but I would like also to capture the last line in my results. Any ideas?select Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4from Tablewhere Column2 in(select Column1 from Tablewhere Column1 = '22701')Column1 Column2 Column3 Column48106 NULL Top 810622701 8111 Test2 810626892 22701 Extra1 810626893 22701 Extra2 810626894 26892 ExtraSub1 8106Thank you!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

[how to] Conditional Join - Specific Column Select

[how to] Conditional Join - Specific Column Select

Conditional Join - Specific Column Select

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 08:17 PM PDT

I have tables like these:

Table Employee ( Emp_Id, Full_Name, ...)  Table Order ( Submitter_Id, Recipient_Id, ...)  

Then say that I have conditional join like this:

select isnull(Emp.Full_Name, Emp2.Full_name) as Recipient  -- , other fields  from Order      left outer join Employee Emp on Emp.Emp_Id = Order.Recipient_Id      left outer join Employee Emp2 on Emp2.Emp_Id = Order.Submitter_Id  -- where clauses  

Brief explaination: The query will return the name of recipient from specific order. An order may has recipient id being set, or using submitter id if the recipient is not set.

The condition: Both table Order and Employee has big amount of records inside, so joining them both is a costly operation. 80% - 90% of records in Order has recipient_id set, so joining to submitter_id can be useless operation. Using isnull as join condition can resulting in index scan (in my experience). Using subquery for column maybe help, but the cost can be high because the operation can be row-by-row.

Is there any conditional join for case like this?

How do you disable anonymous login? - MySQL

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 05:50 PM PDT

According to the MySQL documentation, you can harden a MySQL server by adding passwords, or removing the anonymous accounts.

If you want to prevent clients from connecting as anonymous users without a password, you should either assign a password to each anonymous account or else remove the accounts.

Before hardening, my users table looked like this.

mysql> select user,host,password from mysql.user;  +------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+  | user             | host      | password                                  |  +------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+  | root             | localhost | *F3A2A51A9B0F2BE246XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX |  | root             | gitlab    |                                           |  | root             | |                                           |  | root             | ::1       |                                           |  |                  | localhost |                                           |  |                  | gitlab    |                                           |  | debian-sys-maint | localhost | *95C1BF709B26A5BAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX |  | myuser           | localhost | *6C8989366EAF75BB6XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX |  +------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+  

I've remove all anonomous accounts, so that the user table now looks like this. (I'm using puppet to manage the users, but puppet effectively performs a DROP USER command).

mysql> select user,host,password from mysql.user;  +------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+  | user             | host      | password                                  |  +------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+  | root             | localhost | *F3A2A51A9B0F2BE246XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX |  | debian-sys-maint | localhost | *95C1BF709B26A5BAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX |  | myuser           | localhost | *6C8989366EAF75BB6XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX |  +------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+  

Why is it that I am still able to login to my test system without a username or a password?
What do I need to do to prevent any unwanted users from logging in?

root@gitlab:~# mysql  Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.  Your MySQL connection id is 98  Server version: 5.5.32-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (Ubuntu)  ....  mysql>   

Update: I've also just discovered that I can log in as root, without entering a password.

Update2: I found this question which has some good information, but does not solve the issue.

Theere are no anonymous users

mysql> select user,host,password from mysql.user where user='';  Empty set (0.00 sec)  

I log in as root@localhost

mysql> select USER(),CURRENT_USER();  +----------------+----------------+  | USER()         | CURRENT_USER() |  +----------------+----------------+  | root@localhost | root@localhost |  +----------------+----------------+   

I do not have a default password, or skip-grant-tables defined in my.cnf

root@gitlab:~# cat /etc/mysql/my.cnf |grep -i 'skip-grant-tables'|wc -l  0  root@gitlab:~# cat /etc/mysql/my.cnf |grep -i 'pass'|wc -l  0  


I have tried performing these steps with puppet, (which should perform a flush privileges automatically). I have also manually flushed privileges and also tried restarting mysql.

I've also tried changing the mysql root password and flushed privileges. No luck, I can still log in as any user without a password.

What is the standard isolation level for a db used for money data?

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 03:51 PM PDT

When using a database server for monetary/financial data, I can only assume that using transactions is mandatory.
But what I am not sure is which is usually the isolation level? Is a READ-REPEATABLE used? Or only a serialized level?

MySQL server vs client isolation levels

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 11:31 AM PDT

What is the difference between setting the transaction isolation level in the client configuration and the server configuration?
If I set the client isolation level to be serializable while the server's is read-repeatable what is the result for the transactions? Both of the same client and with transactions of other clients on the same tables?

Parsing an XML field to connect products to multiple categories?

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 10:43 AM PDT

I receive an unstructured XML data feed from my vendor. It actually contains two files. The first one is - New Products;Hot Sellers;Jewelery;Glass Ware;Men's Jewelery;Women's Jewelery;Gold Jewelery;Sterling Silver Jewelery;Watches;Bracelets; Diamond Jewelry; Ring's; Gold Rings; Bulova; (and more (in fact there are over 200 categories which I am working on turning into Categories and multiple levels of subcategories) This is followed with all of the 3000+ products. Parsing most of this and generating a table is pretty straight forward (even though I am pretty new to this) the problem I have is that there is a category field that has multiple comma separated fields.

Jewelery Women's Jewelery, Women's Watches, Watches, Gold Watches, Fashion Jewelery, Bulova

I am looking for a straight forward (and simple) way to parse the field to extract and assign the respective product to all of the categories. Also, what is the best way to design the categories table. Right now I am looking at:

                    Parent: Categories              Children: 1.)Jewelry   2.) Glassware  3.)?    Children of Jewelery: 1.) Men's Jewelery  2.)Women's Jewelery  

Each of these children would contain a number of categories: Watches, Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces, Brand Names, Gold, Sterling Silver, Costume, Fashion, Etc.

I have not yet selected a platform as this is critical to populating my store.

So the first question is how do I populate my categories table from a semi-colon deliminted file? Secondly, what is the best way to parse a multi-populated (comma separated) single field to assign the product to ALL categories appropriate to said item? I am looking at using a Windows based Platform.

How to re setup my mysql like it was with all the data

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 10:07 AM PDT

My computer had slowed down and I made an image file backup. I then reinstalled windows. How can I use the files that I have backed up to give the newly installed mysql the same data it had last time?

I havent got any exports.

How to set Innodb Buffer Pool Size

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 07:40 AM PDT

I have a database using innodb completely. Its now having a innodb_buffer_pool_size at 128MB. Which I know is very less for my user.

But no matter what I do it won't change. I have added a value of 1G both in /etc/my.cnf and also in /etc/mysql/my.cnf and restarted the mysql service. It doesn't seem to update.

My mysql keeps on stopping and when i run mysqltuner & all point to the fact I have to increase the innodb_buffer_pool_size but it simply won't increase.

Is there any other way to enforce this?

How to combine date and time to datetime2 in SQL Server?

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 08:47 AM PDT

Given the following components

DECLARE @D DATE = '2013-10-13'  DECLARE @T TIME(7) = '23:59:59.9999999'  

What is the best way of combining them to produce a DATETIME2(7) result with value '2013-10-13 23:59:59.9999999'?

Some things which don't work are listed below.

SELECT @D + @T   

Operand data type date is invalid for add operator.


Operand data type datetime2 is invalid for add operator.


The datediff function resulted in an overflow. The number of dateparts separating two date/time instances is too large. Try to use datediff with a less precise datepart.


The data types datetime and time are incompatible in the add operator.


Returns a result but loses precision 2013-10-13 23:59:59.997

Does MySQL reindex on update

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 10:13 AM PDT

I have a users table with various fields which are getting updated frequently. i.e table have:

userid -  PRIMARY int  profile_views - int  ratings - int  last_active - int ( to store UNIX timestamps for sorting purpose)  

I also have an index on last_active to get the last active users. When user logins or performs a certain action last_active gets updated and same with profile_views and ratings.

My question is does mysql reindex all table ro reindex index last_active when I update last_active index value or update profile_views or ratings?


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users` (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    `ip_address` varbinary(16) NOT NULL,    `username` varchar(100) NOT NULL,    `password` varchar(80) NOT NULL,    `salt` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,    `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,    `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,    `detail` varchar(500) NOT NULL,    `genre_id` int(2) NOT NULL,    `category` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,    `profile_views` int(11) NOT NULL,    `ratings ` int(11) NOT NULL,    `last_active` int(11) NOT NULL,    PRIMARY KEY (`id`),    KEY `genre_id` (`genre_id`),    KEY `last_active` (`last_active`)  ) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=4059 ;  

and second table to join to

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users_genre` (    `userid` int(11) NOT NULL,    `genre_id` int(11) NOT NULL,    KEY `userid` (`userid`),    KEY `genre_id` (`genre_id`)  ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;  


Is using DISTINCT as a hint in subqueries useful?

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 06:42 AM PDT

Does adding DISTINCT in the following example have any impact on the query running time?
Is it wise to use it as a hint sometimes?


What is Required to use Oracle Performance Manager to monitor SQL Server?

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 09:45 AM PDT

I am working with a customer who has several SQL Server and Oracle DBMS server instances. My customer would like to setup up performance data collection, monitoring and alerting for all of their databases. My strength is in SQL Server and I know lots of products/tools for doing this there, but there seems to be very few options for one tool or product that can do both Oracle and SQL Server at the same time.

One option that has been suggested is Oracle Performance Manager, which apparently can also monitor SQL Server. I have been trying to read up on it, but there's a lot of doc out there and I am not very familiar with it's implicit context (the Oracle Product suite(s)) so I am having trouble filtering it down to the parts that I need right now to make a recommendation to my client.

Here are the things that I am trying to figure out:

  1. Does Oracle Performance Manager fulfill any/all of these Performance functions for Oracle databases?:

    a. Performance Data Collection (ie., retained in a database)

    b. Performance Monitoring (live views of performance)

    c. Performance Alerting (live notification of exceeding configurable thresholds)

    d. Performance Reporting (this would be nice but not necessary, I know how to write a report from data tables, even in Oracle)

  2. Which can Oracle Performance Manager fulfill for SQL Server databases?

  3. What specific Oracle Product(s) does my customer need to have or purchase in order to get these functions?

  4. Are there any other requirements or restrictions that we should know about?

Any help on this is much appreciated.

Mysql Server Login and Permission Deny Error

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 02:11 PM PDT

I have a problem with MySQL server. After upgrading MySQL server from 5.3 to 5.4, I am not able to log-in using my MySQL root password (Yes, I am able to log-in without password!).

Also not able to grant permissions to users as well. Not able to change in databases using root account, while taking backup of database due to same.

When I looked into MySQL databases using root account, it doesn't show anything. While on other server, I am able to find all entries.

Kindly please help me to resolve this issue as it is critical.

Log of mysql is as below.

  130906 18:46:13 [Warning] Found invalid password for user: 'root@x.x.x.x'; Ignoring user  1843 130906 18:46:13 [ERROR] Missing system table mysql.proxies_priv; please run mysql_upgrade to create it  1844 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.servers' doesn't exist  1845 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_current' has the wrong structure  1846 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_history' has the wrong structure  1847 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_history_long' has the wrong structure  1848 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'setup_consumers' has the wrong structure  1849 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'setup_instruments' has the wrong structure  1850 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'setup_timers' has the wrong structure  1851 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'performance_timers' has the wrong structure  1852 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'threads' has the wrong structure  1853 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name' has the wrong structure  1854 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_by_instance' has the wrong structure  1855 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name' has the wrong structure  1856 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'file_summary_by_event_name' has the wrong structure  1857 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'file_summary_by_instance' has the wrong structure  1858 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'mutex_instances' has the wrong structure  1859 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'rwlock_instances' has the wrong structure  1860 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'cond_instances' has the wrong structure  1861 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'file_instances' has the wrong structure  1861 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'file_instances' has the wrong structure  1862 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Column count of mysql.db is wrong. Expected 22, found 13. Created with MySQL 50045, now running 50532. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.  1863 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] mysql.user has no `Event_priv` column at position 29  1864 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Cannot open mysql.event  1865 130906 18:46:14 [ERROR] Event Scheduler: An error occurred when initializing system tables. Disabling the Event Scheduler.  1866 130906 18:46:14 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections.  1867 Version: '5.5.32-cll-lve' socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server (GPL) by Atomicorp  

SQL Server 2012 Page Compression - Determine compression ratio?

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 05:20 PM PDT

We're using SQL Server 2012 and have page compression turned on for a number of our larger tables. Is there a way we can determine the compression ratio we're getting? We'd like to be able to determine the benefits of compression.

linked server to specific access table

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 08:26 AM PDT

I have built a linked server which links my SQL Server database to an Access DB. Using this object someone is able to see all tables in Access. What I would like to do is to isolate it just to 1 table. So my question is how to build a linked server (from SQL Server) connected only to one specific table in Access?

Accumulo table design methodology

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 11:26 AM PDT

I am just getting started with Accumulo and NoSQL databases and I am looking for some discussion on table design. I get the key value structure that is seen in the manual. However, if I am trying to recreate a relational database, I am not sure how relationships work. Can someone explain to some degree how to setup and "Hello World" database (i.e., manager-employee database). I want to use key-value implementation.

Way to make differential backup from full different but from same database

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 03:26 PM PDT

I have the following situation: Our sql server is running in a cloud service. The database to be backed up have 60gb. We need to make a local copy of the database for some tests, and it need to be up to date, but 60gb is impracticable to download daily.

We thought to make a full backup, download it one time, make differential backups in following days. Once a week, we can stop the database operations to make the last differential backup from last week full backup and make a full backup, and start again the database operations. In this moment, the local bd, when restored with the last diff backup (made when the db was with stopped operations), have the same data than the last week full backup.

The idea behind this is, if is possible to use the diff backup from last full backup and restore it in our local database. If it is not possible, anyone have some idea of what we can do to get all the data, up to date, from our cloud database?

Disaster Recovery for PostgreSQL 9.0

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 07:26 PM PDT

We have a number of PostgreSQL 9.0 servers. We use binary replication to have a host standby instance of those. The only problem is that is someone drops the master, with or without intentions, this will cascade to the replicas as well. I'm looking at the possible ways to avoid this. One possible option in seems to be Point in Time Recovery. I'm just wondering what could be a good design for this. Any ideas? Let's assume the master is compromised and we lose everything we have there. How can we avoid losing the replica or at least have a way to bring it back if it's dropped?

Oracle Patch Update

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 12:26 PM PDT

We have an Oracle RAC production environment with primary and secondary DB. Our DBA has asked to update oracle version from bit) to bit) with patch 6880880,10404530,16803769 and 16803775.

In our current database we have Shared storage,ACL settings, security settings,Gateway/Heteregenous connectivity, Dataguard, Data broker, Backup policy and Oracle Client installed on other machines.

DBA has estimated that he need to do installation, settings from scratch and test.. So, when the version is updated, do we really need to reconfig and install everything (Shared storage,ACL settings, security settings,Gateway/Heteregenous connectivity, Dataguard, Data broker, Backup policy and Oracle Client installed on other machines) ?? If yes its fine, but no then I need to justify it.

I can understand testing would be required..

Updateable Subscriptions: Rows do not match between Publisher and Subscriber

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 09:26 PM PDT

I have transactional replication with updatable subscribers set up in SQL Server 2008. It has 3 subscribers and 1 publisher. I had to setup replication again due to some errors related to the database and the application which uses the database. However, now I run into issues when I try updating a section in my application. It does not go through the with update and gives the following error:

Execption Message: Updateable Subscriptions: Rows do not match between Publisher and Subscriber. Run the Distribution Agent to refresh rows at the Subscriber. Updateable Subscriptions: Rolling back transaction. The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted. Exception Triggered by Method: OnError

The update statement obviously doesn't go through. However, when I try it the second time it works. Replication is working. Everything seems to be replication.

Can anyone explain why this error would occur and how I can resolve this issue. I would really appreciate the help!...

How to add rows/columns to the table in runtime in SSRS 2008

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 10:26 AM PDT

Usually we design the table to have x number of rows and y number of columns in a report. But how can we create a report which adds the rows and columns dynamically at run time based on the result of the source query?

For example I want to list stdentId, StudentName and any course each student has enrolled in. As the number of courses is different from one person to the other, I should add the rows and related column for courses at run time based on the query result. How can it be done? For example:

enter image description here

Thanks for your help in advance.

How to disable oracle's MAX_ENABLED_ROLES limit

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 04:26 PM PDT

How to disable oracle's MAX_ENABLED_ROLES limit or expand the value of limitation. [oracle 10g (win32)]

In MySQL, does the order of the columns in a WHERE clause affect query performance,why?

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 01:26 PM PDT

I have a query that doesn't use any indexes:

SELECT 32,         guid,         1,         1,         1,         0,         5  FROM   test  WHERE  level >= 20         AND ( ( fun_GetIndexValue(data, 354) >> 16 ) +                ( fun_GetIndexValue(data, 355) >> 16 ) +                ( fun_GetIndexValue(data, 356) >> 16 ) +                ( fun_GetIndexValue(data, 357) >> 16 ) +                ( fun_GetIndexValue(data, 358) >> 16 ) +                ( fun_GetIndexValue(data, 359) >> 16 ) ) >= 1;   

The level column has only about 80-90 distinct values, the table test has about million rows, and the data column is passed to the function, so I think the query can not use any indexes. But I found that if I put the level condition in the end, the query performs slower. Why is that?

Efficiently Filter Large Set With Disjunctions

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 07:26 AM PDT

Let's say I have a single table

CREATE TABLE Ticket (      TicketId int NOT NULL,      InsertDateTime datetime NOT NULL,      SiteId int NOT NULL,      StatusId tinyint NOT NULL,      AssignedId int NULL,      ReportedById int NOT NULL,      CategoryId int NULL  );  

In this example TicketId is the Primary Key.

I want users to be able to create "partially ad-hoc" queries against this table. I say partially because a few parts of the query will always fixed:

  1. The query will always perform a range filter on an InsertDateTime
  2. The query will always ORDER BY InsertDateTime DESC
  3. The query will page results

The user can optionally filter on any of the other columns. They can filter on none, one, or many. And for each column the user may select from a set of values which will be applied as a disjunction. For example:

SELECT      TicketId  FROM (      SELECT          TicketId,          ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY InsertDateTime DESC) as RowNum      FROM Ticket      WHERE InsertDateTime >= '2013-01-01' AND InsertDateTime < '2013-02-01'        AND StatusId IN (1,2,3)        AND (CategoryId IN (10,11) OR CategoryId IS NULL)      ) _  WHERE RowNum BETWEEN 1 AND 100;  

Now assume the table has 100,000,000 rows.

The best I can come up with is a covering index that includes each of the "optional" columns:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Ticket_Covering ON Ticket (      InsertDateTime DESC  ) INCLUDE (      SiteId, StatusId, AssignedId, ReportedById, CategoryId  );  

This gives me a query plan as follows:

    • Filter
      • Top
        • Sequence Project (Compute Scalar)
          • Segment
            • Index Seek

It seems pretty good. About 80%-90% of the cost comes from the Index Seek operation, which is ideal.

Are there better strategies for implementing this kind of searching?

I don't necessarily want to offload the optional filtering to the client because in some cases the result set from the "fixed" part could be 100s or 1000s. The client would then also be responsible for sorting and paging which might too much work for the client.

MySQL crashes with Signal 8 after "Table has no partition for value" error

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 02:08 PM PDT

We have a mysql database running well and suddenly it stops and below are the snippet of the log file. What is the best remedy in this scenario?

130202  1:08:59 [ERROR] Event Scheduler: [root@localhost][packets.ipByte_SecondAnalysis] Table has no partition for value 735266  130202  1:08:59 [Note] Event Scheduler: [root@localhost].[packets.ipByte_SecondAnalysis] event execution failed.  17:09:02 UTC - mysqld got signal 8 ;  This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary  or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,  or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.  We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help  diagnose the problem, but since we have already crashed,   something is definitely wrong and this may fail.    key_buffer_size=8388608  read_buffer_size=131072  max_used_connections=2  max_threads=151  thread_count=3  connection_count=2  It is possible that mysqld could use up to   key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 338489 K  bytes of memory  Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.    Thread pointer: 0x4223f70  Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out  where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went  terribly wrong...  stack_bottom = 7f6d2c794d98 thread_stack 0x40000  /usr/libexec/mysqld(my_print_stacktrace+0x2e)[0x78329e]  /usr/libexec/mysqld(handle_fatal_signal+0x493)[0x66e2c3]  /lib64/[0x3b4300f4a0]  /usr/libexec/mysqld(_ZN12ha_partition21min_rows_for_estimateEv+0x4c)[0x8efe8c]  /usr/libexec/mysqld(_ZN12ha_partition16records_in_rangeEjP12st_key_rangeS1_+0x35)[0x8efec5]  /usr/libexec/mysqld[0x71efc7]  /usr/libexec/mysqld[0x71f62f]  /usr/libexec/mysqld[0x71f8ab]  /usr/libexec/mysqld(_ZN10SQL_SELECT17test_quick_selectEP3THD6BitmapILj64EEyyb+0x1060)[0x727310]  /usr/libexec/mysqld[0x5b02f5]  /usr/libexec/mysqld(_ZN4JOIN8optimizeEv+0x4cd)[0x5b11fd]  /usr/libexec/mysqld(_Z12mysql_selectP3THDPPP4ItemP10TABLE_LISTjR4ListIS1_ES2_jP8st_orderSB_S2_SB_yP13select_resultP18st_select_lex_unitP13st_select_lex+0x105)[0x5b4b25]  /usr/libexec/mysqld(_Z13handle_selectP3THDP3LEXP13select_resultm+0x174)[0x5ba3e4]  /usr/libexec/mysqld[0x57ba37]  /usr/libexec/mysqld(_Z21mysql_execute_commandP3THD+0x304e)[0x581d5e]  /usr/libexec/mysqld(_Z11mysql_parseP3THDPcjP12Parser_state+0x19d)[0x58340d]  /usr/libexec/mysqld(_Z16dispatch_command19enum_server_commandP3THDPcj+0x12f1)[0x584eb1]  /usr/libexec/mysqld(_Z24do_handle_one_connectionP3THD+0xd2)[0x613cd2]  /usr/libexec/mysqld(handle_one_connection+0x50)[0x613de0]  /lib64/[0x3b430077f1]  /lib64/[0x3b42ce570d]    Trying to get some variables.  Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort.  Query (7f6cc8223980): is an invalid pointer  Connection ID (thread ID): 43  Status: NOT_KILLED    The manual page at contains  information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.  130202 01:09:02 mysqld_safe Number of processes running now: 0  130202 01:09:02 mysqld_safe mysqld restarted  130202  1:09:02 [Warning] The syntax '--log' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use '--general-log'/'--general-log-file' instead.  130202  1:09:02 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.  130202  1:09:02 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled  130202  1:09:02 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins  130202  1:09:02 InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3  130202  1:09:02 InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO  130202  1:09:02 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 1.0G  130202  1:09:02 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool  130202  1:09:02 InnoDB: highest supported file format is Barracuda.  InnoDB: Log scan progressed past the checkpoint lsn 178008262046  130202  1:09:02  InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally!  InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.  InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files...  InnoDB: Restoring possible half-written data pages from the doublewrite  InnoDB: buffer...  InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 178008589529  130202  1:09:02  InnoDB: Starting an apply batch of log records to the database...  InnoDB: Progress in percents: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99   InnoDB: Apply batch completed  130202  1:09:03  InnoDB: Waiting for the background threads to start  130202  1:09:04 InnoDB: 1.1.8 started; log sequence number 178008589529  /usr/libexec/mysqld: File '/var/log/allQuery.log' not found (Errcode: 13)  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Could not use /var/log/allQuery.log for logging (error 13). Turning logging off for the whole duration of the MySQL server process. To turn it on again: fix the cause, shutdown the MySQL server and restart it.  130202  1:09:04 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): ''; port: 3306  130202  1:09:04 [Note]   - '' resolves to '';  130202  1:09:04 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ''.  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Missing system table mysql.proxies_priv; please run mysql_upgrade to create it  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_current' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_history' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_history_long' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'setup_consumers' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'setup_instruments' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'setup_timers' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'performance_timers' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'threads' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_by_instance' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'file_summary_by_event_name' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'file_summary_by_instance' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'mutex_instances' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'rwlock_instances' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'cond_instances' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'file_instances' has the wrong structure  130202  1:09:04 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 2 events  130202  1:09:04 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections.  

Delete word, its meanings, its meaning's example sentences from DB

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 05:26 PM PDT

I have three tables as below (simplified for demonstration):

words  =====  integer id  text    word    meanings  ========  integer id  integer word_id  text    meaning    examples  ========  integer id  integer meaning_id  text    sentence  

where, word_id stores id of the word in words table and meaning_id stores id of the meaning in meanings table. I am trying to figure out a sql query, given a word's id, to delete the word with all its meanings and example sentences all at one time. Is such sql query possible to compose? If so, how?

Edit1: I am using SQLite3 as the database.

Edit2: I figured the following solution which requires 3 sql queries in order:

DELETE FROM examples WHERE meaning_id IN (SELECT id FROM meanings WHERE word_id=the_given_id);  DELETE FROM meanings WHERE word_id=the_given_id;  DELETE FROM words WHERE id=the_given_id;  

I'm still looking for the answer to my question: is the whole process possible to be done in one query?

MySQL concurrent INSERTs

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 09:26 AM PDT

I have a MySQL database with InnoDB tables. There are different client processes making SELECT (to check the existence of a value) and INSERT or UPDATE (depending on the result of the select) statements. What I fear is a possible concurrent access to data causing only INSERTs and no UPDATEs. Is LOCK Table WRITE the only solution?

How can I optimize this query and support multiple SKUs?

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 03:26 PM PDT

My current query only can select one SKU at a time. I can leave salesite_id constant. If there is a way to also have varying salesite_ids that would be good too, but not necessary. Also any suggestions on indexes would be much appreciated also.

SELECT       available - (          SELECT COALESCE(sum(quantity), 0)           FROM product_locks           WHERE sku = 'sku1'      ) - (          SELECT COALESCE(sum(quantity), 0)           FROM               orderlineitems               INNER JOIN responses_authnets ON = orderlineitems.response_id           WHERE               sku = 'sku1' AND responses_authnets.salesite_id = 'site_id_1'      ) AS free,       available AS total,       sku,       on_hold   FROM product_inventories   WHERE sku = 'sku1' AND salesite_id = 'site_id_1';  

How to modify an update in Oracle so it performs faster?

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 02:26 PM PDT

I have this query:

UPDATE   (      SELECT   h.valid_through_dt, h.LAST_UPDATE_TMSTMP      FROM   ETL_FEE_SCH_TMP d, FEE_SCHEDULE_HISTORICAL h      WHERE       h.FUND_ID = d.FUND_ID      AND h.FEETYPE_NAME = d.FEETYPE_NAME      AND h.BREAKPOINT_TYPE = d.BREAKPOINT_TYPE      AND h.BREAKPOINT_QTY = d.BREAKPOINT_QTY      AND h.LOW_BREAKPOINT_AMT = d.LOW_BREAKPOINT_AMT      AND h.VALID_THROUGH = TO_DATE ('31-DEC-9999', 'dd-mon-yyyy')      AND h.universe = 'DC'      AND h.universe = d.universe      AND EXISTS      (          SELECT 1          FROM FEE_SCHEDULE s          WHERE s.FUND_ID = h.FUND_ID          AND s.FEETYPE_NAME = h.FEETYPE_NAME          AND s.BREAKPOINT_TYPE = h.BREAKPOINT_TYPE          AND s.BREAKPOINT_QTY = h.BREAKPOINT_QTY          AND s.LOW_BREAKPOINT_AMT = h.LOW_BREAKPOINT_AMT          AND s.universe = 'DC'      )  ) updateTable  SET     updateTable.VALID_THROUGH = (SYSDATE - 1),  updateTable.LAST_UPDATE_TMSTMP = SYSTIMESTAMP;  

The trouble that I am having is that this query takes a long time to run. I don't know whether it is possible to run this on parallel, or it would be easier to update a cursor in a pipeline function.

What would you suggest?

This is all the information that I believe it is relevant.

This is the execution plan of the internal select:

Execution Plan  ----------------------------------------------------------  Plan hash value: 57376096  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  | Id  | Operation                    | Name                     | Rows  | Bytes| Cost (%CPU)| Time     |  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |                          |     1 |   306 |  8427   (1)| 00:01:42 |  |   1 |  NESTED LOOPS                |                          |       |       |            |          |  |   2 |   NESTED LOOPS               |                          |     1 |    306|  8427   (1)| 00:01:42 |  |   3 |    MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN      |                          |     1 |    192|  8426   (1)| 00:01:42 |  |*  4 |     INDEX RANGE SCAN         | SYS_C000666              |     1 |     96|     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |  |   5 |     BUFFER SORT              |                          |  3045K|   278M|  8425   (1)| 00:01:42 |  |   6 |      SORT UNIQUE             |                          |  3045K|   278M|  8425   (1)| 00:01:42 |  |*  7 |       TABLE ACCESS FULL      | FEE_SCHEDULE             |  3045K|   278M|  8425   (1)| 00:01:42 |  |*  8 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | FEE_SCHDL_IDX1           |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |  |*  9 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| FEE_SCHEDULE_HISTORICAL  |     1 |   114 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Predicate Information (identified by operation id):  ---------------------------------------------------     4 - access("D"."UNIVERSE"='DC')     7 - filter("S"."UNIVERSE"='DC')     8 - access("H"."UNIVERSE"='DC' AND "S"."FUND_ID"="H"."FUND_ID" AND                "S"."FEETYPE_NAME"="H"."FEETYPE_NAME" AND                "S"."BREAKPOINT_TYPE"="H"."BREAKPOINT_TYPE" AND                "S"."BREAKPOINT_QTY"="H"."BREAKPOINT_QTY" AND                "S"."LOW_BREAKPOINT_AMT"="H"."LOW_BREAKPOINT_AMT")         filter("H"."FUND_ID"="D"."FUND_ID" AND                "H"."FEETYPE_NAME"="D"."FEETYPE_NAME" AND                "H"."BREAKPOINT_TYPE"="D"."BREAKPOINT_UNIT_TY  

Table data:

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  UNIVERSE|FUND_ID   |FEETYPE_NAME |BREAKPOINT_TYPE|BREAKPOINT_QTY|LOW_BREAKPOINT_AMT|HIGH_BREAKPOINT_AMT|FEE_PCT|FEE_SCHDL_SEQ_ID|GROUP_ID|LAST_UPDATE_TMSTMP  |VALID_FROM|VALID_THROUGH|INSERT_TMSTMP        |JOB_ID|  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  DC      |DC9ZTPLPHO|DeferLoad    |Percentage     |4             |10000             |300000             |3.14   |780250          |null    |1/4/2012  3:59:54 PM|6/23/2012 |12/31/9999   |1/5/2011   3:59:54 PM|666   |  DC      |DCE86Y8XFU|RedemptionFee|Percentage     |9             |  100             |100500             |7.67   |780251          |null    |6/4/2012  4:49:54 PM|11/12/2011|12/31/9999   |8/17/2011  2:00:54 PM|666   |  DC      |DCAYL0KONA|FrontLoad    |Percentage     |2             |50000             |601500             |5.00   |780252          |null    |4/25/2012 4:49:54 PM|8/2/2012  |12/31/9999   |12/19/2012 9:59:00 PM|666   |  DC      |DC9ZTPLPHO|DeferLoad    |Percentage     |7             |80000             |900000             |2.24   |780252          |null    |4/25/2012 4:49:54 PM|8/2/2012  |12/31/9999   |12/19/2012 9:59:00 PM|666   |  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  

This is the script of the historical table:


This is the other table:

CREATE TABLE FEE_SCHEDULE  (    UNIVERSE                        VARCHAR2(2 BYTE) NOT NULL,    FUND_ID                         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE) NOT NULL,    FEETYPE_NAME                    VARCHAR2(75 BYTE),    BREAKPOINT_TYPE                 VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),    BREAKPOINT_QTY                  VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),    LOW_BREAKPOINT_AMT              NUMBER(19,6),    HIGH_BREAKPOINT_AMT             NUMBER(19,6),    FEE_PCT                         NUMBER(19,6),    JOB_RUN_ID                      NUMBER        NOT NULL,    FILE_DATE                       DATE          NOT NULL,    CYCLE_DATE                      DATE          NOT NULL  )  

The temporary table is the result of FEE_SCHEDULE_HISTORICAL minus FEE_SCHEDULE

[SQL 2012] Looking for a faster count than count(*) for my sp.

[SQL 2012] Looking for a faster count than count(*) for my sp.

Looking for a faster count than count(*) for my sp.

Posted: 04 Oct 2013 05:09 AM PDT

I have the following sp which is being slowed down by the following count statement:-(select COUNT(*) from EMPLOYMENT_OPPORTUNITIES_CTE) as TotalCount FROM ( I have tried:--(SELECT-- Total_Rows= SUM(st.row_count)--FROM-- sys.dm_db_partition_stats st--WHERE-- object_name(object_id) = 'EMPLOYMENT_OPPORTUNITIES_CTE' AND (index_id < 2))-- as TotalCount FROM ( which is very fast, but does not give me a TotalCount value.I have also tried: (SELECT rowcntFROM sys.sysindexesWHERE id = OBJECT_ID('EMPLOYMENT_OPPORTUNITIES_CTE') AND (indid = 0 OR indid = 1)) as TotalCount FROM ( which is also very fast, but still no TotalCount value.Am i stuck with count(*), or is there a faster way to do it, in this situation?ThanksUSE [JobPortal9_10_13]GO/**********/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO-- ============================================= -- -- Description: <Description,[Get All Jobs Searched Structured SQL],> -- -- ============================================= ALTER Procedure [dbo].[zianGetAllJobsSearched10_1_13FAST] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @Title varchar(250), @Industry int, @Industry2 int, @Industry3 int, @Date int, @JobTitle int, @JobType int, @Experience int, @Education int, @State int, @City int, @Salary int, @MaxSalary int, @fromRec int, @toRec int, @SortType VARCHAR(50), @SortOrder VARCHAR(10) WITH RECOMPILE AS DECLARE @ActualDate DateTime = cast(((select dateadd(d,@Date,GETDATE()))) as varchar(20));IF (@Title = '') SET @Title = NULL;WITH EMPLOYMENT_OPPORTUNITIES_CTE(id,title,contactperson,lastmodified,description,workexperiencetypeid, workexperience,jobtypeid,AcademicExperienceTypeId, industryid,industryid2,industryid3,salaryminid,salarymaxid, --jobTitle, city,state, PostalCode,positions,lastmodified2) --,deadline)AS( SELECT,title,contactperson,lastmodified,e.description,workexperiencetypeid, isnull((select we.[Name] from workexperiencetypes we where,'') as workexperience, isnull((select jot.[Name] from jobtypes jot where,'') as jobtype, isnull((select edu.[Name] from Degree edu where edu.Id=e.AcademicExperienceTypeId),'') as education, isnull((select ind.[Name] from industries ind where,'') as industryname, isnull((select ind.[Name] from industries ind where,'') as industryname2, isnull((select ind.[Name] from industries ind where,'') as industryname3, salaryminid,salarymaxid, --isnull((select jt.[Name] from jobTitles jt where,'') as jobTitle, isnull((select ci.[Name] from cities ci where,'') as city, isnull((select r.[AbbreviatedName] from regions r where,'') as state, isnull((select comp.[PostalCode] from Companys comp where,'') as PostalCode, positions, substring(cast(e.LastModified as varchar(20)),1,12) as lastmodified2 --ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) RowNumber from EmploymentOpportunities e With (nolock) --left outer join companys c on --inner join companys c on inner join companys c on where (@Title IS NULL or title = @Title) and (@Industry = 0 OR e.industryid = @Industry) and (@Industry2 = 0 OR Industryid2 = @Industry2) and (@Industry3 = 0 OR Industryid3 = @Industry3) and (@Date = 0 OR lastmodified >= @Date) and lastmodified is not null and lastmodified > @ActualDate --and e.LastModified >''' + cast(((select dateadd(d,@Date,GETDATE()))) as varchar(20)) + '''' --and (@JobTitle = 0 OR title = @JobTitle) and (@JobType = 0 OR jobtypeid = @JobType) and (@Experience = 0 OR workexperiencetypeid = @Experience) and (@Education = 0 OR academicexperiencetypeid = @Education) and (@State = 0 OR c.RegionId = @State) and (@City = 0 OR c.CityId = @City) and (@Salary = 0 OR SalaryMinID >= @Salary) and (@MaxSalary = 0 OR SalaryMaxID <= @MaxSalary) )SELECT id,title as Title,contactperson as ContactPerson,lastmodified,description as Description,workexperience,jobtypeid as jobtype,academicexperiencetypeid as education,industryid as industryname,industryid2 as industryname2,industryid3 as industryname3,salaryminid as salary,salarymaxid as maxsalary,--jobtitle as jobTitle,city + ', ' + state + ', ' + PostalCode as Location,positions as Positions,--deadline,rownumber as RowNumber,--(select COUNT(*) from EMPLOYMENT_OPPORTUNITIES_CTE) as TotalCount FROM ( --(SELECT-- Total_Rows= SUM(st.row_count)--FROM-- sys.dm_db_partition_stats st--WHERE-- object_name(object_id) = 'EMPLOYMENT_OPPORTUNITIES_CTE' AND (index_id < 2))-- as TotalCount FROM ( (SELECT rowcntFROM sys.sysindexesWHERE id = OBJECT_ID('EMPLOYMENT_OPPORTUNITIES_CTE') AND (indid = 0 OR indid = 1)) as TotalCount FROM ( SELECT id,title,contactperson,lastmodified,description,workexperience,jobtypeid,academicexperiencetypeid,industryid,industryid2,industryid3,salaryminid,salarymaxid,--jobtitle,city,state,PostalCode,--Location,positions,--deadline,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY LastModified DESC ) RowNumber FROM EMPLOYMENT_OPPORTUNITIES_CTE ) p1WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN @fromRec AND @toRec ORDER BY CASE WHEN @SortType = 'LastModified' AND @SortOrder = 'DESC' THEN LastModified END DESC, CASE WHEN @SortType = 'LastModified' AND @SortOrder != 'DESC' THEN LastModified END, CASE WHEN @SortType = 'City' AND @SortOrder = 'DESC' THEN City END DESC, CASE WHEN @SortType = 'City' AND @SortOrder != 'DESC' THEN City END, CASE WHEN @SortType = 'State' AND @SortOrder = 'DESC' THEN State END DESC, CASE WHEN @SortType = 'State' AND @SortOrder != 'DESC' THEN State END, CASE WHEN @SortType = 'Title' AND @SortOrder = 'DESC' THEN Title END DESC, CASE WHEN @SortType = 'Title' AND @SortOrder != 'DESC' THEN Title END OPTION(Maxdop 8)

Help! Granting user access to SSRS reports

Posted: 12 Oct 2013 11:24 AM PDT

I have a report server on SS2012.Granted users/(security group)for SSRS reports using Security -> New Role Assignment -> Browser.However, users get the following error: An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) The permissions granted to user 'xxx' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied) What's the issue here? Do I need to grant user/SG additional read access to the backend Database reports are referring to?Thanks in advance!

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