Wednesday, June 26, 2013

[SQL 2012] Design considerations for database cleanup application.

[SQL 2012] Design considerations for database cleanup application.

Design considerations for database cleanup application.

Posted: 25 Jun 2013 04:42 AM PDT

I'm designing an application which will be run everyday at a scheduled time and it will clean up old data from the database based on its age. I wanted to ask which factors should be considered in designing an app like this. Constraints and known things:1. This will be run while other applications will still be running.2. Right now I do not have any numbers like how much it will delete every day, since this is a new product.3. This will delete data from approx 30 tables, out of which 7 are main tables and remaining are their child tables. The thing that I want to point out is that I need to have at least 7 transactions if not 1 big transaction.I would really appreciate if anybody can point to some link or have done this kind of thing before and respond with some ideas.Thanks in advance.

cannot find one or more components please reinstall

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 12:37 AM PDT

Can any one help me on this..I tried to apply SP1 on Sql server 2012..But wasnot succesful, so i planned to install CU 8 for the SQL server 2012 and then SP1 on it.BUt found this error.How to resolve this..Any idea :crying:

Query Showing sp_executesql in SSMS

Posted: 25 Jun 2013 10:40 AM PDT

Hello EveryoneI have installed SQL 2012 Standard Edition. Seems ok. I also have a SQL 2008 Standard Edition on another instance. When I open any of the sprocs in SSMS 2012, I see there are some rather strange additions to the code I have written. Why is there code that uses "sp_executesql"? And is there a way to turn this off, and simply let SQL Server execute the query that is in the sproc? All of the code within the quotes is now in red letters. Very difficult to read and even more, to modify.[code="sql"]IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[SEL_StateName]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))BEGINEXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SEL_StateName]AS...........[/code]Please tell me there is a way to turn this off, or to show simply the Create or Alter Procedure statement.Thank you in advance for all your assistance, suggestions and samples.Andrew SQLDBA

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