Friday, June 7, 2013

[MS SQL Server] IP Address Doesnt turn from offline to online

[MS SQL Server] IP Address Doesnt turn from offline to online

IP Address Doesnt turn from offline to online

Posted: 07 Jun 2013 04:52 AM PDT

:unsure:Hi I got a problem, I think it is a little bit weird kind of problem, I haven't find anything regarding this issue;An error was logged in the Cluster and Event Log, saying Event ID:1609 Error:0x80071397 "The operation failed because either the specified cluster node is not the owner of the resource, or the node is not a possible owner of the resource"i have done all need to be done, but couldnot get the IP address online manually.its a 4 node cluster, 2 acts as primary and other 2 as secondrary,We have 5 applications over 4 depends on one node of primary and the left one on the other node.Rest two nodes remain as DR in case of failover.there are 2 IP Address for each node. In which one always remain online, the never respond to PING atleast, but one of them does respond but never comes online on selecting the option "Bring thus resource to online" How can i bring this IP address online. Please find all the work i have done on this issue.As i found few sujjestion from friends and also google, i Tried all of them resulting no solution.Suggestion 1: Restart the servers.ATTEMPT 1: I have shifted all the application to node 2 from node1, Restarted the NOde 1, Done the same with the node 2; Result: Nothing.Suggestion 2: Try from all the nodes to bring the IP address online.Attempt 2: Tried, no use. Not even one got turned in.On pinging any of the IP Address except 1 does show timed out, the exceptional IP Address does respond, but i dont know why its not getting online when requested.Suggestion 3: I found a post in some forum saying that, the IP Address from node which holds the quorum does only gets online, rest remain in offline.Attempt 3: said to manager the same thing, he suggested me to work more on it. Suggestion 4: Check subnet mask,Attempt 4: Checked every Subnet mask, does remain similar. but i could never make those IP address online from offline.BUT: when i was working on this matching the subnet masks; I found all the IP Address in different nodes, except the the IP's which i am not able to make them online, Including the one which got pinged success.I found another thing over here, I check the IPconfiguration in all the nodes, pinged all the IP's in all the nodes, including IP's which are online, The IP's which are shown online does ping in all the nodes (which is common)But the IP's Which are offline doesnt ping with the nodes of Primary and on pinging those on secondary nodes they doesnt reported as "timed out" but "Host not reachable"Does this sign anything, i haven't found anything on this, when i searched.When i report the same thing to my manager and try to involve Networking and Windows Admins in to it. He said gonna check it next monday.. I havent found perfect solution till now, i was working on this since 3 days, done a lot of googling, but could not find it any where. Hope i gave all the details. If any one had already faced such kind of issue, Please expalin me wat need to be done, Also let me know am i in right path for the solution,CAN ANY ONE HELP ME ON THIS...Please note***ROOKIE:hehe:*** here

SQL Server Version upgrade, Production DB's Left in Previous Version Compatibility

Posted: 06 Jun 2013 03:59 PM PDT

Hi guys,I was just wondering if it is safe to permanently run a production database in a newer version of SQL Server without changing the compatibility level of the database (say a SQL 2005 Database in SQL 2008R2 or SQL 2012)?We would like to spend a minimal amount of time and currently don't have the time nor the capacity to work on update stored procedures etc to work with the latest versions We have a few production servers running different versions from SQL 2005 / SQL 2008 R2, Instead of installing multiple instances on the same machine or having seperate machines for each version of SQL Server, I was just wondering if this was a safe approach.Some of the databases are from 3rd party software products.

Restore backup on lower version

Posted: 06 Jun 2013 08:03 PM PDT

Hi,Is any one know to restore backup of 2008 R2 on 2008 (higher to lower)?Thanks in advance.

Dead lock problem

Posted: 06 Jun 2013 07:17 PM PDT

i am trouble shooting one dead lock problem on SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 which is weird for me i believe it is Intra-Query Parallel Thread Deadlocks,but i have question is this suppose that in this kind of deadlock victim is not present ?cause when i see xml then i could not find victim-list.another thing i extract this information from extended event health session .here is xml [code="xml"]<deadlock> <victim-list /> <process-list> <process id="process1a167a508" taskpriority="0" logused="10000" waittime="380" schedulerid="12" kpid="41496" status="suspended" spid="75" sbid="0" ecid="90" priority="0" trancount="0" lastbatchstarted="2013-06-06T12:43:42.467" lastbatchcompleted="2013-06-06T12:43:40.923" clientapp=".Net SqlClient Data Provider" hostname="MSWEB02" hostpid="60772" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="360175586" currentdb="20" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="673185824" clientoption2="128056"> <executionStack> <frame procname="" line="206" stmtstart="32758" stmtend="77810" sqlhandle="0x03001400fb3f7b6d4772f600d4a100000100000000000000" /> </executionStack> <inputbuf /> </process> <process id="process6a258a988" taskpriority="0" logused="10000" waittime="109" schedulerid="3" kpid="59444" status="suspended" spid="75" sbid="0" ecid="99" priority="0" trancount="0" lastbatchstarted="2013-06-06T12:43:42.467" lastbatchcompleted="2013-06-06T12:43:40.923" clientapp=".Net SqlClient Data Provider" hostname="MSWEB02" hostpid="60772" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="360175586" currentdb="20" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="673185824" clientoption2="128056"> <executionStack> <frame procname="" line="206" stmtstart="32758" stmtend="77810" sqlhandle="0x03001400fb3f7b6d4772f600d4a100000100000000000000" /> </executionStack> <inputbuf /> </process> <process id="process189753948" taskpriority="0" logused="10000" waittime="311" schedulerid="2" kpid="58892" status="suspended" spid="75" sbid="0" ecid="86" priority="0" trancount="0" lastbatchstarted="2013-06-06T12:43:42.467" lastbatchcompleted="2013-06-06T12:43:40.923" clientapp=".Net SqlClient Data Provider" hostname="MSWEB02" hostpid="60772" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="360175586" currentdb="20" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="673185824" clientoption2="128056"> <executionStack> <frame procname="" line="206" stmtstart="32758" stmtend="77810" sqlhandle="0x03001400fb3f7b6d4772f600d4a100000100000000000000" /> </executionStack> <inputbuf /> </process> <process id="process1a167b708" taskpriority="0" logused="10000" waittime="381" schedulerid="12" kpid="62392" status="suspended" spid="75" sbid="0" ecid="55" priority="0" trancount="0" lastbatchstarted="2013-06-06T12:43:42.467" lastbatchcompleted="2013-06-06T12:43:40.923" clientapp=".Net SqlClient Data Provider" hostname="MSWEB02" hostpid="60772" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="360175586" currentdb="20" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="673185824" clientoption2="128056"> <executionStack> <frame procname="" line="206" stmtstart="32758" stmtend="77810" sqlhandle="0x03001400fb3f7b6d4772f600d4a100000100000000000000" /> </executionStack> <inputbuf /> </process> </process-list> <resource-list> <exchangeEvent id="Pipe4a9b36c70" WaitType="e_waitPipeNewRow" nodeId="22"> <owner-list> <owner id="process1a167b708" /> </owner-list> <waiter-list> <waiter id="process1a167a508" /> </waiter-list> </exchangeEvent> <exchangeEvent id="Pipe523680ab0" WaitType="e_waitPipeNewRow" nodeId="32"> <owner-list> <owner id="process1a167a508" /> </owner-list> <waiter-list> <waiter id="process6a258a988" /> </waiter-list> </exchangeEvent> <exchangeEvent id="Pipe6dc6ea3e0" WaitType="e_waitPipeGetRow" nodeId="32"> <owner-list> <owner id="process6a258a988" /> </owner-list> <waiter-list> <waiter id="process189753948" /> </waiter-list> </exchangeEvent> <exchangeEvent id="Pipe52050ce30" WaitType="e_waitPipeGetRow" nodeId="22"> <owner-list> <owner id="process189753948" /> </owner-list> <waiter-list> <waiter id="process1a167b708" /> </waiter-list> </exchangeEvent> </resource-list></deadlock>[/code]We had turned trace flag 1222 globally on but i could not find information about this dead lock in sql server error log.So my question "is this normal to have empty victim-list ?"and if there is no victim and this deadlock does not recorded in sql server error log so should i consider dead lock?

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