Friday, April 5, 2013

[SQL Server 2008 issues] Remove user which is not existing

[SQL Server 2008 issues] Remove user which is not existing

Remove user which is not existing

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 07:16 PM PDT

In Sql server 2008 r2 i created a login test and gave some user roles for some databases by using SSMS.Now i have deleted the login "test". But the test login still appear under databases -security-users for those databses for which i gave user roles. It won't get delete from there. Now i want that user to get delete under those databases. How can i do it by using sql query? the query should find under which database that user is there and delete it for all the database in server.

Help me tune this query...Please. :)

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 05:40 AM PDT

OK, so I have a query that works great, but runs dog slow, and I think it's because of needing to get the MAX date_started record in the WHERE clause. How can I use CTE or modify this to make it run better?SELECT CASE WHEN LEN(p4.[name]) = 0 THEN p5.[name] ELSE p5.[name] + '\' + p4.[name] END AS server_instance_name ,p3.[name] [database_name] ,p4.[name] AS 'instance' ,p5.[name] AS 'server' ,p2.start_datetime ,p2.action_status ,p1.backup_type ,p2.utc_offset ,DATEDIFF(ss,p2.start_datetime,p2.end_datetime) AS 'duration' ,p2.uncompressed_KB ,p2.compressed_KB FROM SQLsafeRepository.dbo.backup_sets p1 INNER JOIN SQLsafeRepository.dbo.actions p2 ON p2.backup_set_id = p1.backup_set_id INNER JOIN SQLsafeRepository.dbo.databases p3 ON p3.database_id = p2.database_id INNER JOIN SQLsafeRepository.dbo.instances p4 ON p4.instance_id = p3.instance_id INNER JOIN SQLsafeRepository.dbo.servers p5 ON p5.server_id = p4.server_id WHERE p2.start_datetime = (SELECT MAX(t2.start_datetime) FROM SQLsafeRepository.dbo.backup_sets t1 INNER JOIN SQLsafeRepository.dbo.actions t2 ON t2.backup_set_id = t1.backup_set_id INNER JOIN SQLsafeRepository.dbo.databases t3 ON t3.database_id = t2.database_id INNER JOIN SQLsafeRepository.dbo.instances t4 ON t4.instance_id = t3.instance_id INNER JOIN SQLsafeRepository.dbo.servers t5 ON t5.server_id = t4.server_id AND t3.[name] = p3.[name] WHERE p5.[name] = t5.[name] AND p4.[name] = t4.[name] AND p3.[name] = t3.[name] AND t1.backup_type = 0 AND t2.action_type = 0)

Statistics still exist after dropping it

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 03:39 PM PDT

I have dropped the statistics but after dropping it still exist.Does anyone know how can i delete that?Actually i need to alter the column that depend upon statistics. But somehow after deleting it still exists.

elegant strategies for complex update statements?

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 04:27 AM PDT

Hello - What are some elegant strategies for implementing update statements? For example, updating a column value for every row in a table based on a specific subquery?I was thinking about using a table variable with a cursor but I'm guessing a SQL guru could recommend a better, more elegant, more integrated approach?

SSRS MHTML formatting problem when using gmail

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 01:33 AM PST

Hello...I'm not finding any resolutions to a problem that many seem to be running into. Google searches are turning up more questions than answers. I'm hoping someone here can help me. I found a really annoying problem when using the MHTML (web archive) report rendering option in SSRS 2008 R2. When a report is emailed out as a web archive and viewed using gmail webmail, all of the special formatting, tables and all, are stripped out of the email body. When the same report is viewed using Outlook or Mac Mail, the formatting works and the report looks great.Last week I spent hours creating a new report and was asking for feedback from my boss (gmail webmail user) about how the report looked. I couldn't understand why he wasn't very excited about the report until I realized that he'd been using webmail to view the report and all of the formatting was completely stripped out. I had been using Outlook during I had no idea how bad it looked in webmail.The question now can I deliver this report embedded in the body of an email with the formatting intact using SSRS...? He doesn't want the report delivered as an attachment.Thanks

Converting to Float in ssis

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 08:38 PM PDT

I'm exporting Flat File to DB Table.In Flat File I have numeric column with some values has empty space.In Derived column I'm using " [Column 188] == " " ? "0" : [Column 188] " to make empty space as 0.then In data conversion I'm converting it to float b'coz destination column is Float.But I'm getting as errors as follows[Data Conversion [3495]] Error: Data conversion failed while converting column "Derived Column 2" (6895) to column "Copy of Derived Column 2" (6901). The conversion returned status value 2 and status text "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".[Data Conversion [3495]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR. The "output column "Copy of Derived Column 2" (6901)" failed because error code 0xC020907F occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "Copy of Derived Column 2" (6901)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.[SSIS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "Data Conversion" (3495) failed with error code 0xC0209029 while processing input "Data Conversion Input" (3496). The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.

Problem in dataconversion

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 03:50 PM PDT

The Following procedure gives error 8114 at line 10 : if instead of @sec_id i simply write 1 as sec id it works else it gives error unable to convert data type varchar to bigint . Please Help .CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Get_Ques_id_for_can] (@candidate_id varchar(max),@Exam_id varchar(max),@sec_id bigint)ASBEGIN declare @table_query varchar(max)declare @table varchar(max)set @table=@candidate_ID+@Exam_idset @table_query='SELECT [ID], [Question_ID] FROM ['+@table+'] WHERE [Section_ID]='+@sec_idEXEC(@table_query)END

How to preserve global temporary table data

Posted: 29 Mar 2013 06:05 AM PDT

Hi guys,I would like to know if anyway to preserve global temporary table data till some one explicitly drop it. I have created one global ##tmp table and inserted data into it in one procedure (proc1) and selecting the data from another procedure (proc2). If i execute the proc2 immediately after proc1 finished.. there is no issue but when i execute the same proc2 after few min later (for say around 15/20 min) i found that the global tmp table has been dropped!!!! how to achieve the result without creating any physical table!!!Thanks for your help....

SQL Server Audit Report to Email

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 02:59 PM PDT

Hi Team,I am trying to configure SQl srerver logins audit report email generation.Once I run the query, Result should generate in to email. But I am getting some error and not able to solve that.Can you please help me on this..***************declare @query nvarchar(max)set @query ='SELECT, CAST(CASE sp.[state] WHEN N'D' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS bit) AS DenyWindowsLogin,CASE WHEN N'U' = l.type THEN 0 WHEN N'G' = l.type THEN 1WHEN N'S' = l.type THEN 2 WHEN N'C' = l.type THEN 3 WHEN N'K' = l.type THEN 4 END AS LoginType, CAST(CASE WHEN (sp.[state] IS NULL) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS bit) AS HasAccess, CAST(sl.is_policy_checked AS bit) AS PasswordPolicyEnforced, CAST(sl.is_expiration_checked AS bit) AS PasswordExpirationEnabled, l.create_date AS CreateDate, l.modify_date AS DateLastModified, LOGINPROPERTY(, N'BadPasswordCount') AS BadPasswordCount, LOGINPROPERTY(, N'BadPasswordTime') AS BadPasswordTime, LOGINPROPERTY(, N'DaysUntilExpiration') AS DaysUntilExpiration, LOGINPROPERTY(, N'IsExpired') AS IsExpired, LOGINPROPERTY(, N'IsLocked') AS IsLocked, LOGINPROPERTY(, N'IsMustChange') AS IsMustChange, LOGINPROPERTY(, N'LockoutTime') AS LockoutTime, LOGINPROPERTY(, N'PasswordLastSetTime') AS PasswordLastSetTime, l.is_disabled AS IsDisabledFROM sys.server_principals AS l LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.server_permissions AS sp ON sp.grantee_principal_id = l.principal_id AND sp.[type] = N'COSQ' -- Connect permissions LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.sql_logins AS sl ON sl.principal_id = l.principal_id LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.credentials AS c ON c.credential_id = l.credential_idWHERE l.[type] IN ('U', 'G', 'S', 'C', 'K') AND l.principal_id NOT BETWEEN 101 AND 255 -- ##MS% certificates AND ( sp.[state] = N'D' -- DenyWindowsLogin OR sp.[state] IS NULL -- HasAccess OR CAST(sl.is_policy_checked AS bit) = 0 OR CAST(sl.is_expiration_checked AS bit) = 0 OR l.create_date > GETDATE()-1 OR l.modify_date > GETDATE()-1 OR l.is_disabled > 0 OR LOGINPROPERTY(, N'DaysUntilExpiration')<= 5 OR LOGINPROPERTY(, N'IsExpired') > 0 OR LOGINPROPERTY(, N'IsLocked') > 0 OR LOGINPROPERTY(, N'IsMustChange') > 0 OR LOGINPROPERTY(, N'BadPasswordCount') > 2 ', EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'MS SQL Support', @recipients = '', @subject = 'Login Aduit Report', @importance= HIGH, @query = @query; **********************Error : Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 5Incorrect syntax near 'D'.

tricky many to many query

Posted: 10 Feb 2013 05:45 PM PST

I have a complex query to put together and need some help. I have a table like the one below which is many to many. Essentially two primary columns (assume named left and right)left right---- -------1 .... 22 .... 33 .... 41 .... 41 .... 55 .... 46 .... 4Assuming I know the id on the left (1) and the id on the right (4) I need to find all paths for the combination and return them in a delimited string as below. Something like:1/2/3/4 but also 1/4 and 1/5/4The number of paths is only likely to be 3 or 4 and no more. I'm guessing I need to do something recursive and save the path at each level.Any ideas on a good (and fast) way to do this?thanks

Error while Registering the Server

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 05:25 AM PDT

Hi All,I have a created a central managment server with windows security. Then when I am trying to register other servers to the CMS I get the below error. [b]TITLE: Registered Servers------------------------------Invalid value for key 'network library'. (System.Data)[/b]I tried googling the above error but no luck. DO any one know what might be causing it? I have put 2 attachemnts of the scrren shots.Note: When I use sql server authentication it works. The above error is raised only when I use Windows authentication.A little insight would be gratly appriciated.Regards,DBA

Script for services installed SQL Server

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 09:11 AM PDT

Hi !!I am wondering if there is script to determined what are service install on particular instance Like , Reporting , service with version or any hints so i can write script !!!Thanks

Data conversion error in ssrs

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 07:26 AM PDT

in SSRS when i run a preview after selecting a sp aS data set I am getting an errorerror converting data type nvarchar to intTHE FOLLOWINS THE SP IA M USING@ProgramID int = 0, @Branch smallint = 0, @ActiveOnly bit = 1, @CountyID int = 0, @ListingType smallint = 0, @StartDate date = null, @EndDate date = null, @FundingID int = 0 ASBEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; IF @ListingType = 3 Begin Set @ActiveOnly = 0 End SELECT ci.PeopleLinkID, p.PersonID, p.LastName, p.FirstName, p.MiddleName, p.Address1, p.Address2, p.City, p.State, p.ZipCode, p.Birthdate, rl.Race, p.Gender, p.Phone, p.Email, pl.PeopleStart, pl.PeopleEnd, wi.County, CASE WHEN pl.PeopleEnd IS NOT NULL THEN (SELECT MAX(dbo.HistoryDateReasons.HistoryReason) AS TermReason FROM dbo.HistoryDates INNER JOIN dbo.HistoryDateReasons ON dbo.HistoryDates.HistoryReasonID = dbo.HistoryDateReasons.HistoryReasonID WHERE (dbo.HistoryDates.HistoryTypeID = 5) AND (dbo.HistoryDates.HistoryDateTo < GETDATE()) AND (dbo.HistoryDates.PeopleLinkID = pL.PeopleLinkID) GROUP BY dbo.HistoryDates.PeopleLinkID) ELSE NULL END AS TermReason, CASE WHEN pl.Branch = 30 THEN (SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), RunningBalance) FROM vw_IncExpBalanceClient WHERE PeopleLinkID = pl.PeopleLinkID) ELSE fc.EligDescription END AS Funding, LastFirst AS StaffPerson, p1.LastName + ', ' + p1.Firstname AS CaseWorker, CASE WHEN p.Gender = N'F' THEN N'Female' WHEN p.Gender = N'M' THEN N'Male' ELSE N'Unknown' END AS GenderName, p.SSN, ci.CaseNumber, b.ProgramName AS BranchFROM FundingCodes fcRIGHT JOIN OrgPeopleLink opl RIGHT JOIN ClientInfo ci INNER JOIN PeopleLink pl ON ( ci.PeopleLinkID = pl.PeopleLinkID) INNER JOIN Branches b ON ( b.Branch = pl.Branch) INNER JOIN People p ON ( pl.PersonID = p.PersonID) ON ( opl.OrgPeopleLinkID = ci.CaseWorkerID) LEFT JOIN People p1 ON ( opl.PersonID = p1.PersonID) LEFT JOIN WICounties wi ON ( p.CountyID = wi.CountyID) LEFT JOIN vw_StaffPick vp ON ( ci.StaffAssigned = vp.StaffID) LEFT JOIN RaceLookup rl ON ( p.RaceID = rl.RaceID) ON fc.FundingID = ci.FundingIDWHERE (CASE WHEN @ProgramID > 0 AND @Branch > 0 AND pl.Branch = @Branch THEN 'T' WHEN @ProgramID > 0 AND @Branch = 0 AND pl.Branch IN(SELECT Branch FROM Branches WHERE ProgramID = @ProgramID) THEN 'T' ELSE 'F' END = 'T')AND (CASE WHEN @ActiveOnly = 1 AND (pl.PeopleEnd IS NULL OR pl.PeopleEnd > @EndDate) AND PL.CategoryCode <> 6 THEN 'T' WHEN @ActiveOnly = 1 AND PL.CategoryCode = 6 AND pl.PeopleStart IS NOT NULL AND (pl.PeopleEnd IS NULL OR pl.PeopleEnd > @EndDate) THEN 'T' WHEN @ActiveOnly = 0 THEN 'T' WHEN @ListingType = 3 THEN 'T' ELSE 'F' END = 'T')AND ( p.CountyID IN (@CountyID))AND (CASE WHEN @ListingType = 0 AND (pl.PeopleStart <= @EndDate OR pl.PeopleStart IS NULL) THEN 'T' WHEN @ListingType = 1 AND MONTH(pl.PeopleStart) = MONTH(@StartDate) THEN 'T' WHEN @ListingType = 2 AND ((pl.PeopleStart BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate) OR pl.PeopleStart IS NULL) THEN 'T' WHEN @ListingType = 3 AND pl.PeopleEnd BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate THEN 'T' WHEN @ListingType = 4 AND pl.PeopleLinkID IN(SELECT PeopleLinkID FROM vw_PeopleActiveOnHold) THEN 'T' ELSE 'F' END = 'T')AND (p.LastName IS NOT NULL)AND (fc.FundingID In (@FundingID))ORDER BY p.LastName, p.FirstName; END

SQL Server Utility (UCP) vs Management Data Warehouse (MDW)

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 05:51 AM PDT

Hoping someone can provide some clarification. My understanding is that these are two *different* technologies that both provide some degree of monitoring target SQL Servers. Yet they both use shared Data Collectors on the instances, and don't appear to both be able to run side by side...Is it true I can only enroll an instance in either Utility or MDW but not both?Any insight into which I should choose? MDW seems to have a lot more granular information than UCP - any advantage to using the latter? (note that I only have about 20 SQL Server instances of 2008 to 2012 if that's a consideration for which one I choose)

Scripting SSRS Folder Permissions

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 08:27 AM PDT

Does anyone have a script that can add a user as 'Browser' for all folders?I tried adding them in as a content manager, but those permissions don't propogate from the root folder to all the children.

Organizing Diagram pane in a view?

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 05:15 AM PDT

HiKind of a dumb ???Sometimes I will take a sp and play with it in a view once I copy the code the tables are all over the placeis there a command to line them up one under the other?Thanks

Grouping question

Posted: 03 Apr 2013 11:16 PM PDT

I have the following data:File Description Points1001- Industrial 1001001-001 Barker 200 1001-002 Curry 1751002- Buildings 3751003- HVAC 2251003-001 Wing School 125I am grouping on the substring (1,4) of File but need the description that goes with first or min File only. I need the data from all records. The results should look like this:1001- Industrial 4751002- Buildings 3751003- HVAC 350

oracle 9i to Sql server 2008 R2 migration

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 07:09 PM PDT

Hi,We are having oracle 9i as database and migrating to sql server 2008.Our oracle 9i database connects to another oracle databases and these databases are having different oracle version(,,,,,, )I do have two queries :1) how to connect from Sql server 2008 R2 to different Oracle databases2) How will other oracle databases connect to Sql server 2008 R2 database

advanced subquery

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 02:47 AM PDT

I would like to get a distinct RefNumber only if this RefNumber has EntryType 0 and 2 and 11. All 3 EntryTypes must be present and no other EntryTypes must be. RefNumber 239000 must be returned as it contains 0, 2 and 11RefNumber 236777 must not be returnedsince it also contains a EntryType 7RefNumber 238888 must not be returned since it lacks the EntryType 2RefNumber EntryType EntryAmount----------....---------....-----------239000............0.............200239000............0............-200239000............2............-200239000............2.............200239000............11..........-145239000............11...........145236777............0.............162236777............0............-162236777............2..............-45236777............2...............45236777.............7..............62236777............7..............-62236777............11...........-162236777............11............162238888............0.............345238888............0............-345238888............11..........-245238888............11...........245Hope somebody can help me, and I'm very thankfull if - thanks in advance!Benny

How to switch ID number to new values (but maintaining duplicates)

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 05:06 AM PDT

Hello!!!I need a database from an Insurance company, but they don't want to give it because it has a column with the ID number of each patient and their medical history.They will give it to me only if I can find a 'script' that allows them to switch that ID number, but I need to 'remember' same ID across all the dase... For example, If I have (in a column) the ID 12345 and you 54321, y must generate a new number for each one. It can be 1 for me and 2 for you; but each time it reads 12345 it has to change to 1 exclusively. In conclution, it has to identify each person with a new ID number. Thanks !!!

Date functions..

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 02:06 AM PDT

i was trying to solve an online test... and i stopped here... i tried looking at the newly introduced functions of sql server 2012 but could n't find an answer... hope i will get some answer here..[code]select blank (GETUTCDATE(), 'blank') as Result[/code]the answer is ResultMonday April 08you will have to replace the 'blank' with some function or key word which i couldn't figure out..thanks in advance

Restore table in sql server

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 04:20 AM PDT

hi guys,I know how to restore database in sql server but i wanted to know how to restore table in sql server 2000/2005/2008thnx...reply

Uninstalling SQL Server 2008R2 fails after uninstalling Visual Studio 2008

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 04:13 AM PDT

Looks like one uninstall corrupts the other. Either that or there is something going on under the covers that I'm not aware of.Windows 7SQL Server 2008R2VS 2008 (trial)Tried to uninstall VS 2008, and it looks like it only partially uninstalled. Is there a relatively painless way to fix this, or am I almost better off backing up my data and restoring an old image of my computer? (That will teach me to do that next time!)When I try to uninstall of 2008R2, the uninstall fails. So does the Uninstall of VS2008. I could delete the directories, if necessary, but I'm sure my registry is a total disaster.Any thoughts on a good place to start?Thanks!Pieter

Parallel Thread Deadlocks Help?

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 10:10 PM PDT

Trace Flag 1222 enabledProfiler CapturedDatabase Tuning AdviserI'm believe I'm getting "Intra-Query Parallel Thread Deadlocks" and not really sure how to go about fixing the problem.I know the problems are coming from a management tool database that we use in IT to remote and patch machines etc..This particular database has regular integrity checks as well as index rebuilds weekly I have captured the deadlock using Profiler then imported into the database Tuning Adviser. It's recommendations were to create various indexes which I applied but this didn't make any different to the problem I'm getting.Here is the deadlock info I'm getting but not quite sure how to troubleshoot. Any help would be much appreciated.

Grouping field in alphabetical order not in order needed

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 12:23 AM PDT

Hello,I have a field called Priority that I am using in a report. The field has 6 possible entries, Top Priority, High, Medium, Low, Maintenence, and None. The Priority field is used in a table where each record in the table is given a priority. I am grouping the report by the Priorty field. The problem is when I run the report, the Priority grouping is in alphabetical order, not in the order above. Is there a way I can assign a number to each of the entries above (i.e. 1 = Top Priority, 2 = High, etc.), and ten group by the number?Thank you for your help!

SSRS email report depending on report field

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 12:01 AM PDT

HiI have a simple SSRS report with list of users and one of the fields has their email address.I want to email the rpeort to the email addresses in this field, can i build a subscription depending on the entries in a field?Thanks in advance

SQL query help

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 12:59 AM PDT

hey guysneed some help with a query!!!basically i have a table that has a list of learner with a number of aims. i want to do a query that will tell me how many learners there are under 1 aim 2 aims 3 aims etcthis is what ive tried already for 1 aim but how would i doit for 2 3 4 aims and so on. SELECT COUNT (A.N#OfAims) AS N#OfLearnersFROM(SELECT L01, L03, COUNT (DISTINCT A09) AS N#OfAims FROM [LSC_MI_db_pub].[dbo].[_AIMS_SN14]GROUP BY L01, L03)AS AWHERE A.N#OfAims = 1

Char(9) to Time

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 12:55 AM PDT

Hey,I have a column that's char(9) and effectively stores time. This is a sample of the data;0 02:19 -03:06 00:22 00:39I would like to be able to sort on this column, with minus values being first when ascending and last when descending, however it's not the case; minus numbers are last when ascending and first when descending. The above list in Ascending order would be;0 00:22 00:39 02:19 -03:06and descending; -03:06 02:19 00:39 00:220

How to Seperate number from a text

Posted: 03 Apr 2013 10:02 PM PDT

Hi,Here is my scenario, i have set a data in my columnSBA 60 OFF 19.99 NOW 7.99SBA 50 OFF 99.99 NOW 49.99ST. PATRICK 19.99QC CUSTOM FLORAL45.23 ST. PATRICKQC CUSTOM FLORAL $ 43.34Now I want to fetch the number at the end and at the beginninglike this7.9949.9919.9945.2343.34Please help me in solving this case.Thank's in Advance

Fulltext for multiple word

Posted: 03 Apr 2013 11:42 PM PDT

Hi,I want to replace below query using fulltext Contain select * from tx_Main_Data MDwhere Column1 like '%This is for testing purpose%'But using full text search I am getting some extra rows which do not contain the text.

how to write query for multiple columns in select and in group by only 1 column

Posted: 03 Apr 2013 10:48 PM PDT

Hello allMy requirement is how to write query for multiple columns in select and in group by only 1 column. In this multiple columns of select , the first column i have used distinct. But i want to group by only one column that is 2nd, or 3rd or 4 th. Please tell me any one.Thanks

Problem Measure Calculated dynamically (error #VALUE!)

Posted: 03 Apr 2013 08:52 PM PDT

Hello,I have a problem to calculate the variance.Here is the code I use:Axis([Measures]).item(0)-Axis([Measures]).item(1)Dynamically, the calculated measure makes the subtraction between the first measure and the second measure.On the other hand, when that I add dimensions, an error displays.Help !Thank you very much.

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