Monday, March 18, 2013

[how to] What type of SQL Server Replication fits our scenario? Merge or Transactional?

[how to] What type of SQL Server Replication fits our scenario? Merge or Transactional?

What type of SQL Server Replication fits our scenario? Merge or Transactional?

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 08:35 PM PDT


In our current setup, we have a single SQL Server 2005 instance on our remotely hosted web server. We additionally have another (non-MSSQL) database which we use for our POS system, which automatically updates the web server when things (such as product information) changes. This has two problems:

  1. Connections can be slow, so we can't easily work with local copies of the code
  2. Sometimes we can't reach the web database (even though the site still works), which causes the POS system to hang.

The solution I'm working towards is setting up a second SQL Server instance (2005 or 2008) locally at the corporate headquarters, directing the POS system at it, and using some form of Replication to sync changes between them. However, I can't tell whether we should use merge replication or transactional.


Will Merge or Transactional replication serve us better?

Our requirements are:

  1. Update product data at HQ and push it to the website as read-only.
  2. Update order data on the website and push it to HQ
    1. Sync small changes from HQ back to website (order status)
  3. No disruption in availability on either end when communication is impossible
    1. i.e. The HQ can still access and update our copy, and the website can update its, and when communication is restored, changes will be synced.
  4. (Optional) An easy way to make a copy of the HQ database with the replication removed, for code testing purposes.

Which one is the better fit for our requirements?

What is a good way to determine the performance I should expect from a PostgreSQL server?

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 02:59 PM PDT

Trying to figure out how I should expect my database to perform. Basically, I need to determine when the server I have set up is reaching its performance limits - which would help me plan server scaling better.

This question aims more towards ways that I can calculate or estimate (really, any idea of this would be good) expected performance. This should ideally help me come up with a formula I can run based on several factors (like record size, number of rows, etc), instead of a subjective assumption based on a particular server / DB.

So, what is a good way to determine expected performance on a PostgreSQL server?

Thanks very much!

Postgresql: Difference between pg_dump and backup/restore?

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 07:03 PM PDT

Don't they essentially do the same thing by storing all the data in a file and dumping it into another database? Is it that pg_dump just adds the data on to whatever is already there and restore deletes everything and then dumps it in?

Increment and record creation based on field value [migrated]

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 01:45 PM PDT

Access 2003

Ultimately I need to create a report for printing labels "Sample ID, Jar x of x".

My table has Sample ID and Number of Jars. Is it possible to create a query that gives me 3 fields: Sample ID, Jar Number, Number of Jars - where the Jar Number creates records in increments based on Number of Jars?

  Query:  Sample ID - Jar Number - Number of Jars            Sample 1    1            4            Sample 1    2            4            Sample 1    3            4            Sample 1    4            4            Sample 2    1            2            Sample 2    2            2  

The table information is:

  Table:  Sample ID - Number of Jars            Sample 1    4            Sample 2    2  

I want to avoid creating a table record for each jar.

What does wait_resource LOG_MANAGER mean in SQL Server 2008?

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 02:10 PM PDT

Let's say we have two Stored Procedures A & B within the same database.

Stored Procedure A:

  1. Executes for a long time
  2. Has transactions within
  3. Makes Calls over Linked Server

Stored Procedure B:

  1. Simple SP that inserts/updates a table
  2. Quick. Within 1 second

A & B execute on the same database but DO NOT have any common tables.

Yesterday, B was blocked by A and I found that the

  • wait_type was LATCH_EX
  • wait_resource was LOG_MANAGER

What does this LOG_MANAGER mean? What kind of resource are they waiting on? Plus, does it have anything to do with with transactions within the 'A' SP.

A quick Googling indicates that it has something do with growth of logs, but I would appreciate a more indepth explanation.

UNIQUE index key violation

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 11:50 AM PDT

I have a table with a PK and a unique non-clustered index, as follows:

CREATE TABLE Table1  (      Id INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,      Field1 VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,      Field2 VARCHAR(25) NULL,   CONSTRAINT PK_Table1 PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (Id ASC)  )    CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Field1_Field2 ON Table1  (      Field1 ASC,      Field2 ASC  )  WITH      (          PAD_INDEX = OFF,          STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF,          SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF,          IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF,          DROP_EXISTING = OFF,          ONLINE = OFF,          ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON,          ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON      )  

I have 2 jobs whose execution times I find are overlapping each other. They both include the same INSERT into this table and frequently the job that starts last fails because it tries to insert a record into Table1 with a duplicate index key value.

INSERT Table1  SELECT Field1, Field2  FROM SomeOtherTable sot WITH (NOLOCK)  WHERE NOT EXISTS (      SELECT 1      FROM Table1 t1      WHERE sot.Field1 = t1.Field1      AND sot.Field2 = t1.Field2  )  

From what I've been able to discern, the INSERT in Job1 is still executing when the NOT EXISTS from Job2 is evaluated resulting in Job2 trying to insert a duplicate key value. It seems to me that the locking for Table1 is not happening as expected.

I'm at a loss as to why this is happening. Would this have anything to do with the NOLOCK hint used in the INSERT? I didn't think that that hint would include Table1 in its scope, only SomeOtherTable.

I know I can mitigate the duplicate key error by setting IGNORE_DUP_KEY to ON for the index, and that would be fine for us in this situation. I would like to know, though, why the duplicate is showing up in the 2nd INSERT.

how to set a row's value from a certain row's value?

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 04:39 PM PDT

I have a MySQL table named "activities" with fields id(int), tstamp(timestamp), amount(decimal) balance(decimal). Decimal fields hold money values.

id   tstamp                   amount   balance  ----------------------------------------------   1   2013-03-18 00:00:10       57.00      0.00   2   2013-03-18 00:00:11       13.05      0.00   3   2013-03-18 00:00:12      110.00      0.00   4   2013-03-18 00:00:13       23.50      0.00   5   2013-03-18 00:00:14       35.44      0.00   6   2013-03-18 00:00:15       76.00      0.00   7   2013-03-18 00:00:16       34.74      0.00   8   2013-03-18 00:00:17      120.47      0.00   9   2013-03-18 00:00:18       35.00      0.00  10   2013-03-18 00:00:09       46.00      0.00  

so balance fields' values must be like that: current row's balance = CHRONOLOGICALLY previous row's balance + current row's amount.

Notice last row's tstamp value is smaller than first row's tstamp value. so when I say previous row I do not mean current id minus 1. So highest balance value must be at row #9.

And the problem is how to update all balances with chronogically previous row's balance value + current row's amount value?

big db for managing user files and settings

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 02:06 PM PDT

Hi im about to start a project that will hopefully eventually hit milion+ users which is some kind of a site managment, problem is how to set the db in mysql, some people suggest way 1 and others way 2, i hope you can help me decide the right path to start.

needs to be stored:

  • all users info:
    user | pass | account status
  • user files:
    path to compiled htm(in user folder with uid) | http request path | file seg1 | file seg2 | file seg3

  • user settings:
    personal settings (email..) | site settings (colors..) |

my ideas to store the data are:

path 1: have main db with table for usernames and passwords. create each user with db which inside have table for user files and table for user settings.

path 2: have main db for system which inside have: table for users and passwords and 2 more tables for each user: user_files, user_settings.

thank you.

Find "n" consecutive free numbers from table

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 07:41 PM PDT

I have some table with numbers like this (status is either FREE or ASSIGNED)

  id_set  number  status           -----------------------  1       000002  FREE  1       000003  ASSIGNED  1       000004  FREE  1       000005  FREE  1       000006  ASSIGNED  1       000007  ASSIGNED  1       000008  FREE  1       000009  FREE  1       000010  FREE  1       000011  ASSIGNED  1       000012  ASSIGNED  1       000013  ASSIGNED  1       000014  FREE  1       000015  ASSIGNED

and I need to find "n" consecutive numbers, so for n = 3, query would return

  1       000008  FREE  1       000009  FREE  1       000010  FREE  

It should return only first possible group of each id_set (in fact, it would be executed only for id_set per query)

I was checking WINDOW functions, tried some queries like COUNT(id_number) OVER (PARTITION BY id_set ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING), but that's all I got :) I couldn't think of logic, how to do that in Postgres.

I was thinking about creating virtual column using WINDOW functions counting preceding rows for every number where status = 'FREE', then select first number, where count is equal to my "n" number.

Or maybe group numbers by status, but only from one ASSIGNED to another ASSIGNED and select only groups containing at least "n" numbers


I found this query (and changed it a little bit)

WITH q AS  (    SELECT *,           ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id_set, status ORDER BY number) AS rnd,           ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id_set ORDER BY number) AS rn    FROM numbers  )  SELECT id_set,         MIN(number) AS first_number,         MAX(number) AS last_number,         status,         COUNT(number) AS numbers_count  FROM q  GROUP BY id_set,           rnd - rn,           status  ORDER BY       first_number  

which produces groups of FREE/ASSIGNED numbers, but I would like to have all numbers from only first group which meets the condition

SQL Fiddle

How do you move a SQL Server 7 database to SQL Server 2012?

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 03:01 PM PDT

I would like to move a database from SQL Server 7.0 to SQL Server 2012. They are not compatible for a backup and restore. Is there a way to export from SQL Server 7.0 and import it to 2012? I only need the tables -- no views or stored procedures.

SOLVED: Postgres 8.4.5: Bad query plan vs Good query plan when changing date range on large data table

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 12:58 PM PDT


I was able to resolve this issue by altering the column to allow 1000 stats: ALTER TABLE time ALTER COLUMN date SET STATISTICS 1000;

Now the queries are running very fast, down to 300ms from 5s.

I'll be looking into patching postgres as well.

I have a table with 13.7 million rows. Up until recently, queries on this table have been quite fast. Suddenly they are slow. More specifically, the same query is fast when looking at a large date range, but crazy slow when looking at a small date range. Here are the two statements and their EXPLAIN ANALYZE output.

I am using Postgresql 8.4.5 with default_statistics_target set to the default 100.

It's obviously choosing a bad query plan for the shorter date range, but how do I resolve this? And how do I interpret the query plan?

Fast query:

EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT as x, pp.firstname || ' ' || pp.lastname || CASE WHEN = 'f' OR pp.userid IS NULL THEN '*'  ELSE '' END as name  FROM time t  INNER JOIN person pp ON t.personid = AND pp.visible = 't'  INNER JOIN project p ON t.projectid = AND p.visible = 't'  WHERE true AND t.visible <> 'f' AND p.customerid = 9  AND >= '01/11/2013 00:00:00' AND <= '03/17/2013 23:59:59'  GROUP BY, pp.firstname, pp.lastname,, pp.userid  ORDER BY name ASC NULLS FIRST;                                                                               QUERY PLAN  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Sort  (cost=59930.72..59934.61 rows=1556 width=22) (actual time=69.718..69.719 rows=4 loops=1)     Sort Key: (((((pp.firstname)::text || ' '::text) || (pp.lastname)::text) || CASE WHEN ((NOT OR (pp.userid IS NULL)) THEN '*'::text ELSE ''::text END))     Sort Method:  quicksort  Memory: 25kB     ->  HashAggregate  (cost=59821.00..59848.23 rows=1556 width=22) (actual time=69.701..69.708 rows=4 loops=1)           ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..59801.55 rows=1556 width=22) (actual time=0.069..68.817 rows=1460 loops=1)                 ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..59334.43 rows=1556 width=4) (actual time=0.056..64.660 rows=1460 loops=1)                       ->  Index Scan using project_fkindex1 on project p  (cost=0.00..9.82 rows=38 width=4) (actual time=0.022..0.244 rows=361 loops=1)                             Index Cond: (customerid = 9)                             Filter: visible                       ->  Index Scan using time_fkindex6 on "time" t  (cost=0.00..1560.66 rows=41 width=8) (actual time=0.063..0.177 rows=4 loops=361)                             Index Cond: (t.projectid =                             Filter: ((t.visible <> false) AND ( >= '2013-01-11'::date) AND ( <= '2013-03-17'::date))                 ->  Index Scan using person_pkey on person pp  (cost=0.00..0.29 rows=1 width=22) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=1 loops=1460)                       Index Cond: ( = t.personid)                       Filter: pp.visible   Total runtime: 69.817 ms  (16 rows)    Time: 71.354 ms  

And the SLOOOOOOOW query:

EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT as x, pp.firstname || ' ' || pp.lastname || CASE WHEN = 'f' OR pp.userid IS NULL THEN '*'  ELSE '' END as name  FROM time t  INNER JOIN person pp ON t.personid = AND pp.visible = 't'  INNER JOIN project p ON t.projectid = AND p.visible = 't'  WHERE true AND t.visible <> 'f' AND p.customerid = 9  AND >= '03/11/2013 00:00:00' AND <= '03/17/2013 23:59:59'  GROUP BY, pp.firstname, pp.lastname,, pp.userid  ORDER BY name ASC NULLS FIRST;                                                                               QUERY PLAN  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Sort  (cost=25428.46..25428.56 rows=39 width=22) (actual time=31366.375..31366.376 rows=4 loops=1)     Sort Key: (((((pp.firstname)::text || ' '::text) || (pp.lastname)::text) || CASE WHEN ((NOT OR (pp.userid IS NULL)) THEN '*'::text ELSE ''::text END))     Sort Method:  quicksort  Memory: 25kB     ->  HashAggregate  (cost=25426.75..25427.43 rows=39 width=22) (actual time=31366.363..31366.366 rows=4 loops=1)           ->  Nested Loop  (cost=664.21..25426.26 rows=39 width=22) (actual time=95.334..31366.243 rows=118 loops=1)                 ->  Nested Loop  (cost=664.21..25403.10 rows=39 width=4) (actual time=95.317..31365.758 rows=118 loops=1)                       ->  Index Scan using project_fkindex1 on project p  (cost=0.00..9.82 rows=38 width=4) (actual time=0.022..1.174 rows=361 loops=1)                             Index Cond: (customerid = 9)                             Filter: visible                       ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on "time" t  (cost=664.21..668.23 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=86.871..86.877 rows=0 loops=361)                             Recheck Cond: ((t.projectid = AND ( >= '2013-03-11'::date) AND ( <= '2013-03-17'::date))                             Filter: (t.visible <> false)                             ->  BitmapAnd  (cost=664.21..664.21 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=86.865..86.865 rows=0 loops=361)                                   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on time_fkindex6  (cost=0.00..18.81 rows=584 width=0) (actual time=1.017..1.017 rows=290 loops=361)                                         Index Cond: (t.projectid =                                   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on time_index2057  (cost=0.00..639.15 rows=25008 width=0) (actual time=92.211..92.211 rows=108649 loops=336)                                         Index Cond: (( >= '2013-03-11'::date) AND ( <= '2013-03-17'::date))                 ->  Index Scan using person_pkey on person pp  (cost=0.00..0.58 rows=1 width=22) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=1 loops=118)                       Index Cond: ( = t.personid)                       Filter: pp.visible   Total runtime: 31366.469 ms  (21 rows)    Time: 31367.644 ms  

UPDATE: Here is what the pg_stats table is telling me. It looks like increasing the number of values it can hold may help:

SELECT attname, n_distinct, most_common_vals  FROM pg_stats  WHERE tablename = 'time' and attname = 'date';   attname | n_distinct |                                                     most_common_vals        ---------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   date    |       1899 | {2012-09-13,2013-02-05,2013-03-04,2011-03-14,2012-10-03,2013-01-14,2012-11-20,2013-02-07,2012-10-22,2013-01-08,2013-02-01,2013-02-06,2012-12-13,2013-  01-09,2012-12-04,2013-01-16,2012-05-31,2012-09-28,2013-02-08,2012-02-09,2012-08-23,2012-11-19,2012-12-06,2012-12-12,2013-01-07,2013-02-22,2013-02-26,2013-03-01,2012-05-17,20  12-07-16,2012-10-15,2012-10-25,2012-11-12,2013-02-11,2013-02-25,2012-09-18,2012-11-05,2012-11-27,2013-02-13,2013-03-07,2012-03-29,2012-06-05,2012-07-10,2012-09-05,2012-11-13  ,2012-11-14,2012-12-03,2013-01-28,2013-02-18,2013-02-20,2012-04-24,2012-04-25,2012-05-22,2012-08-30,2012-10-05,2012-11-08,2013-01-18,2013-02-04,2013-02-14,2013-03-14,2012-04  -04,2012-06-11,2012-08-06,2012-08-31,2012-09-20,2012-09-25,2012-10-16,2013-01-22,2012-05-30,2012-08-01,2012-08-09,2012-10-19,2012-12-14,2013-02-12,2013-03-06,2012-02-08,2012  -05-14,2012-07-05,2012-07-24,2012-07-25,2012-08-27,2012-11-26,2012-12-19,2013-01-10,2013-01-21,2013-01-30,2011-11-30,2012-01-05,2012-04-16,2012-05-03,2012-05-04,2012-08-03,2  012-08-07,2012-09-07,2012-10-26,2012-10-30,2012-12-05,2012-12-21,2011-07-06,2012-02-01}  (1 row)    Time: 30.530 ms  

How to generate TPC-DS query for sql-server from templates

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 08:38 AM PDT

I know that dsqgen is used to transform the query templates into executable SQL. But when I type in the command line: "dsqgen /directory query_templates /template query1.tpl /dialect sqlserver /scale 5", there's an error that "Substitution 'STATE' is used before being initialized". I also copied the ansi.tpl and tpcds.idx files in the same directory as dsqgen.exe because dsqgen always read these two files. Anyone has any idea how can I solve this? Thanks in advance.

Date dimension changes between Test and Production Server

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 08:32 AM PDT

I have a cube deployed into a Test environment and Production environment. I've noticed something strange happen with the date dimension.

When deployed into our test environment, the Date Key comes out looking like this:

Date Key on Test

However, when deployed into Production it comes out looking like this:

Date Key on Production

Both servers are running SQL Server 2012 and Analysis Services. On the test environment analysis services is installed on the same machine as SQL Server on the production one it is a different server. Apart from that they should be identical...

I would like the DateKey to look like how it appears in the Test environment. I.e. 2012-12-01 00:00:00.

Performance Counters for SQL Server Related to iSCSI Disk Access

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 07:03 PM PDT

I am planning to my SQL server databases (plus TLogs and TempDB) to a new LUN on our iSCSI SAN. The current LUN's used by these of these files are on their own two disk RAID 1 disk group and I'm going to a larger but shared 14 disk RAID 10 disk group. I want to measure the performance of the current configuration and the new configuration as I move each database over and ensure that I am not starting to hit any disk performance issues (or see if I am actually increasing the performance).

There are a bunch of posts on the internet on SQL performance counters such as this one, but I am really interested in just the few that are related to network/disk usage and any latency or limits that associated with disk reads/writes. What are some of the important SQL or Windows performance counters that I should look at to create a current baseline/comparison for iSCSI disk access for SQL?

Best relational database scheme for this data

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 01:51 PM PDT

I'm in the process of creating a database scheme for the following scenario:

  • There are users
  • Users have roles (such as "Developer" or "CEO")
  • Roles have applications (such as "Topdesk")
  • Applications have permissions (such as "Update Knowledgebase")
  • A role can have permissions, if the role already has access to the application

Assuming no high-performance environment (no need to optimize for speed), what would be the best way to implement this schema? The database environment can be MySQL, MSSQL... it's more about the relational database design.

I myself have come up with the following:

ERD Diagram

The part I'm most uncertain about is of course the Applications_Permissions_Roles table. It is a linking table on top of another linking table. I've never used or seen this before. Another way to do it would be to replace it with a linking table between Roles and Permissions, and then use code or constrains to ensure the required relations... but that doesn't seem like a good solution to me. These things should be enforced on database-level if at all possible (and it seems possible), not on code-level.

Secondly, is the link between Permissions.Application and Applications.Id required? I use it because there may not be any rows in Roles_Applications (such as when you've just added a new application) and then it's not possible to work out which permissions belong to which application. It also is a single point of reference to lookup to which application a permission belongs. I guess this is right, but it also makes a circle in the database design. MSSQL errors on it when trying to set ON_DELETE or ON_UPDATE to cascade.

Any suggestions, or is this how it's supposed to be done? Any other suggestions regarding naming convention and such are also welcome by the way (perhaps as comment).


Edit: Changed title, hopefully making it clearer. The previous one was more comprehensive, but probably too convoluted.

Accessing a SQL Server Denali CTP1 database with Management Studio 2012 SP1 Express

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 08:47 AM PDT

I had Management Studio 2011 Denali CTP1 installed before but I have uninstalled it.

Now I have installed the Management Studio 2012 SP1 Express without any database instances.

I have a webserver with a few SQL server instances, one of them was installed by the Denali CTP1 installer. I'm able to connect to it wothout problems with a Denali CTP 1 SSMS but not with the 2012SP1.

When I connect with SSMS2012SP1 I immediately get the error:

Invalid object name 'sys.database_filestream_options'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 208)

Although I'm connected to the database (and able to create or modify users for example), nearly every item throws some error when I expand it.

For example expanding "Databases" throws:

Invalid column name 'synchronization_state'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 207)

"Some authorization problem" - I thought. But after creating a new user and setting every possible right to it and trying to logging in with it, there is no difference.

I'm not able to figure out the problem.

I can access the database through code just fine, here is my connectionstring:

server\web11;Initial Catalog=a_database;Persist Security Info=True;Trusted_Connection=True;  

So I figured that this is something Management Studio does.

Database Design Relationship for Patient Visit in MS Access

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 12:19 PM PDT

I am designing a database to store records for research purposes, and I am having trouble picturing how I can create a relational database based on the information I have.

There are a total of 6 different studies, and patients can be categorized under more than one study if they fit the criteria. Once they are under a study, they are required to pay routine visits for various type of exams (a total of 10 different kinds), i.e. clinical exams, physical exams, and other examinations to keep track of information. Each of these various exams must be time stamped to allow back tracing. In addition, patients are required to complete these exams up to three times while in the study, and each examinations has 10+ parameters that needs to be recorded as well.

So lets say there are 100 patients, these patients are categorized into studies A, B, C, D, E, F, with the possibility of being in more than one studies at a time (i.e. patient_25 can be in studies A,B, and E). Each study requires 3-8 different patient visits to collect information from examination, and some studies require the examinations to be performed up to a total of 3 times over a period of time.

What would be the best way to create tables that fit this kind of structure? Here's my thoughts so far, let me know if there is a better way.

Tier 1.

Studies Table: study_id(primary key), study_name, study_patient_code, patient_id(foreign key)

Tier 2.

Patient Demographics: patient_id(primary key), patient_name, patient_gender, patient_dob...etc.

Tier 3.

Visits Table: visit_id (primary key), patient_id (foreign key), visit_date, visit_type

Tier 4.

Physical Exam: physicalexam_id (primary key), visit_id (foreign key), pe_height, pe_weight, pe_score...etc.

Clinical Exam: clinicalexam_id (primary key), visit_id (foreign key), parameters....etc

Examination 3: exam3_id (primary key), visit_id (foreign key), parameters....etc

Examination 4: exam4_id (primary key), visit_id (foreign key), parameters....etc


Examination 10: exam10_id (primary key), visit_id (foreign key), parameters....etc

So basically, the study table will be linked to patient demographics table. the patients table will be linked to visits, which will then be linked to various examination tables with fields consisting of the parameters recorded on the date of visit. Is this a viable method of approaching this problem? Or are there a more elegant way of doing so?

I hope this makes sense, if not, let me know and I'll be sure to elaborate more.

I apologize for not doing a good job of explaining myself. So there are various type of exams that returns on average about 15-20 fields of data that needs to be stored. Each exam has its own purpose so the parameters will be different. For example, one exam may be just for Lumbar Puncture and contains fields with specific information with regards to that, physical exam will be for height, weight, blood pressure, BMI...etc. Patients may have to comeback for an exam multiple times during a study (for example, need to do physical exam on 1st, 2nd, 3rd visit.)

I guess what I'm trying to ask is where should the parameters of each exam be stored? and where should the time stamp be stored? How should I organize the tables so that we normalize the database for each visit without excessive repetition of information for different exams and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd visits?

SQL Server 2008 R2 database mirroring - is it possible to have a slave server for multiple master servers?

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 02:00 PM PDT

Scenario is that I have two servers running SQL Server 2008 R2 (64-bit), let's call them DB1 and DB2. I have set up database mirroring for all the databases on these servers so that DB1 is the principal and DB2 is the slave.

Now the question is, can I set up database mirroring on a new server DB3 running it as principal and have DB2 work as a slave for both DB1 and DB3? Or will I need a separate new slave server (DB4) for DB3? Would this configuration be possible using separate instances on DB2?


Posted: 18 Mar 2013 07:56 AM PDT

I have following query

SELECT Dept        ,ID          FROM (SELECT TOP (@RowTo) ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Dept) AS ROWID,                       Dept                    ,ID            FROM Department            WHERE Dept LIKE @Team + '%') as Calls           WHERE RowID >= @RowFrom AND RowID <= @RowTo   

I need to get a DISTINCT list of the Departments, but need the paging that this query returns. I have tried to rewrite this many a times, but I'm failing miserably. Anyone got any pointers?

Table data

ID    Department  Location  1     HR          London  2     HR          Berlin  9     HR          Paris  11    HR          Amsterdam  12    IT          Berlin  13    IT          London  15    HR          New York  18    IT          Paris  19    IT          Barcelona  20    HR          Barcelona  21    Finance     Paris  22    Finance     London  23    Finance     New York  

Using the following SQL:

SELECT Dept        ,ID          FROM (SELECT TOP (@RowTo) ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Dept) AS ROWID,                       Dept                    ,ID            FROM Department            WHERE Dept LIKE @Team + '%'           ORDER              BY Dept) as Calls           WHERE RowID >= @RowFrom AND RowID <= @RowTo   


Dept    ID  HR      1  HR      2  HR      9  HR      11  IT      12  IT      13  HR      15  IT      18  IT      19  HR      20  

Now, I know that I need to drop out the ID column in order to get a DISTINCT list of values for the Department column. By doing so, I only get:

Dept  HR  IT  

None of the Finance Departments are dropping into the result set because the sub query is returning the TOP 10 records which it's not part of. This is where I'm no getting stuck.

I have multiple sources INSERTing into a MySQL innodb table. My periodic aggregation script never makes accurate aggregates. Why?

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 10:43 AM PDT

I apologize in advance if this is a repeat. I'm not really sure how to properly ask for what I'm running into.

I have a large InnoDB table set up. I have 3 sources that all INSERT concurrently at a moderately high volume (300-500 INSERT/s).

I have a PERL script running on a cron job every 5 minutes that aggregates data from the last time it ran. It keeps track of the last record it processed by storing the auto_increment value of the last row in a metadata table.

The aggregates are always off. But not by much. This has been so frustrating because it's just plain simple math (SELECT account_id,sum(sold) GROUP BY account_id). I have a suspicion that it has something to do with the transaction isolation (repeatable-read).

I recently found FlexViews which looks very cool and might address my problem. But I was wondering if anyone could:

  • Tell me what is going on here. Why is this happening?
  • What can be done to produce 100% accurate aggregates

I'm like 95% sure the auto_increment thing along with transaction commit ordering is hosing me up, but I don't understand enough about DBs to really ask the right question.

Oh, one thing to note, I've already checked over the field types. This issues isn't the result of rounding.

where can I get mysql-5.1.7.tar.gz or mysql-5.1.9.tar.gz?

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 07:46 PM PDT

I need mysql-5.1.7.tar.gz or mysql-5.1.9.tar.gz, but I can not find them anywhere, who can give me a link to find them, thank you very much!!!

Can't backup transaction log in SQL Server 2012 Management Studio

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 09:18 AM PDT

Following this tutorial, I am opening task-> backup and transaction log doesn't appear in the back up type.

I am using sa user which is owner over my db.

Any idea as to what I should do?

SSIS SQL Server 2012 cluster Availibility Group

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 09:43 AM PDT

We have a three server cluster using AlwaysOn technology, and have created an Availability Group for the SSISDB catalog.

How would you change the code to only execute on the primary server?

Payment methods conceptual and logical model

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 08:43 PM PDT

I need to create a conceptual and logical (normalized) models of parking house according to the requirements below. It looks to me as a very simple concept that doesn't need all tables to have relationships - but then they could not be modelled as entities. I tried asking this on stackoverflow but got no feedback for couple of days now.

  1. Three possible methods of payment:

    • a ticket paid on leave,
    • prepaid card with cash credit,
    • prepaid card with "time credit",
  2. Price of ticket depends on time:

    1. 1-2hrs = $0,
    2. 3hrs = $2,
    3. 4hrs = $4,
    4. afterwards x hrs = $(x+1), but max. $20 for 24hrs (... easiest to put these to 24 rows, right?).
  3. A ticket (a) may be allowed a 20% discount (ie. for shopping in the mall).

  4. Cash credit card uses same prices as tickets but with 40% discount.
  5. Cash credit card can be reloaded.
  6. Time card is paid once and allows parking while valid.

The problem is I don't know how to put those highlighted relations to the logical db model and whether event to put them there. Is it ok-practice to have isolated tables in the design?

Does my design adhere to 3NF?

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 06:43 PM PDT

I created this schema with OpenOffice.

Does this design adhere to 3NF ?

(A relationship link between Equipment and Supplier_Equipment , Customer and Membership should be created but OpenOffice isn't allowing me to do so.)

enter image description here

Convert a Unix timestamp to a DATETIME in a View

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 10:58 AM PDT

I have a table that stores a unix timestamp. To query this as a date, I'm attempting to convert this timestamp to a datetime type in a view. Unfortunately, I can only seem to get the DATE portion out.

This link describes how to do the conversion, but requires changing the nls_date_format to include the time portion. Unfortunately, that solution only works at a session level. As a developer, I'd rather not have to go running off to our managed service provider to ask them to change the value at a database level - especially since it may impact other applications.

Is there a way I can convert the timestamp, in sql, to a datetime without modifying the system?

Find the first gap in an aggregation of integers in SQL Server

Posted: 18 Mar 2013 03:51 PM PDT

Let's say I have a table called dbo.GroupAssignment.

  GroupID | Rank  ------------------  1    1  1    2  1    3  2    1  2    3  2    4  3    2  3    4  3    5  

The PK is GroupID, Rank. Normally, the ranks within a group are a contiguous sequence of integers starting from 1. But it's possible for a GroupAssignment to get removed, leaving a gap. When a new assignment is made for the group, I want to fill the first gap available.

So, how could I calculate this in SQL Server?

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